Thing was, early on in our friendship we went out for drinks and she told me, "I can be really selfish and self-centered. I'm basically a narcissist."
Thing was, early on in our friendship we went out for drinks and she told me, "I can be really selfish and self-centered. I'm basically a narcissist."
Ugh. I'm so sorry. My dad's mother and step-father were total narcissists. And what is really interesting is that he, of all of his siblings, was totally normal. That is because he was the oldest, and had his formative years also shaped by his real father, who died of a heart attack when he was 14. His younger sister…
Indeed. If ever anyone deserved to be globally shamed and shunned by everyone on Earth for the rest of their lives, it's these two.
Okay, Indrid Cold, calm down.
It's as close to a child as they can legally get. That's why they like to do it to women who get citizenship or permanent residency through's not just misogyny and fetishization, it's also about have an intense degree of control.
Yes!! No one can ever be sicker than the narcissist. You can never be more tired or more hungry or more broke or more whatever. I learned to never share any of my troubles or needs with my narcissistic mother. I was always "good" or "fine" until I quit speaking to her.
Are you ok? Comma splices, typos, missing periods. I'm serious. This is not like you.
no because the rich white ladies need to adopt the doomed brown babies to feel better about not doing shit to raise the quality of life of all brown people. Also, wars need soldiers.
You seem balanced.
I can understand an older politician, like McCain, not getting that your words are now around forever and they will come back to haunt you. Paul is young enough to be aware of 24/7 media saturation. Keep juggling all those balls, Rand, until they start hitting you in the head.
When my dad died, my mother married a narcissist. He's so awful that people don't believe me when I talk about the things he does. Fortunately, my psychiatrist is a family friend who knows us both and agrees that my stepfather is a toxic person. He had a terrible, bitter divorce from his first wife and he's…
Portlandia is also a comedy of manners so I bet she'll do a great job. I'm picturing a Mary-centric Pride and Prejudice.
This is so reminiscent of a friend I had in college. If something bad happened to me, it was never as bad as anything bad that could happen to her. Even if, on the surface, it seemed like the exact same thing (e.g., getting laid off, someone saying something bad about you, etc.), HERS was worse. She would cover it up…
It was originally a thought by Maya Angelou in an Oprah interview: "when people show you who they are, believe them the first time."
If you don't know a narcissist, then you are the narcissist lol.
God, I had a "friend" in college like that. She was lazy and entitled, jealous and the most narcissistic and self-centered person I've ever seen. She even went out and said that she was narcissistic and loved attention, like it was a completely normal/positive thing. Everything was about her, she was the most…
How many narcissists does it take to change a light bulb?
A similar group is people who talk too much. And by that, I mean people who utterly ignore social cues and dominate conversations, and don't recognize that they are emotional vampires who leech the souls away from everyone around them. Most of them will chipperly say, "I'm a talker!" - without realizing that their…
Is it a symptom (if that's the right word) of narcissism that the narcissist sees himself or herself as the victim in every situation / thinks others are out to get them / assumes others' actions are about them all the time? My aunt (bless her heart, and I'm not even southern) has had some personal challenges in…