p.s. people who claim their dog is a service dog are violating federal law. if they claim it’s an emotional support animal and it’s not, then it’s violating... um.. a different one. But the first is definitely a federal law.
p.s. people who claim their dog is a service dog are violating federal law. if they claim it’s an emotional support animal and it’s not, then it’s violating... um.. a different one. But the first is definitely a federal law.
I fly with my service dog a lot. There’s a shit ton of rules about having pets on board the aircraft. It doesn’t look like ANYONE, her or the airline, were being very good at following them.
Examples: She’s actually not allowed to have the dog in her lap, or even the carrier in her lap. Infants are literally the only…
I volunteer at a museum, and we just got told “Cats are not service animals. Do not let people bring their cats into the museum.” Yeah, apparently someone claimed their cat as a service animal over the weekend.
Earlier this week, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R) trumpeted at a press conference that he would “vomit” if he watched the whole thing, calling it “disgusting.”
So. What you’re saying is that you have access to a Tardis?
Why “especially” an unborn “child”? Why would that “life” be more precious than anyone else’s? That will never make any sense.
I can tell you what’s more precious than an unborn child. Educating, feeding, clothing, and sheltering low income children, and watching them break the cycle of poverty.
I vote for the birds rights activist in place of Yoko.
My dad is a surgeon and he reports constantly joking around with the nurses/surgical staff during operations. Some people hear this and are all, “what the hockey sticks! He needs to be focused and serious!!!” After performing life-saving surgery day in and day out for more than 20 years... how somber can you really be…
Okay, first of all, I get what this lady is saying but if I ever needed an abortion I would much prefer the tone of whoever is talking to me about it to be “casual”. It’s just a medical procedure, it doesn’t need to be a harrowing and incredibly serious discussion.
I get why she feels the need to apologize, but I don’t…
On Thursday, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards responded to a video circulating which allegedly depicts…
On Wednesday afternoon, Gov. Jerry Brown approved a bill that officially classifies professional cheerleaders as…
Okay so I want to be all feminist enraged...but Komen is shit...
She sees her as a role model.
“Maria doesn’t have any issues with Giuliana. She sees her as a role model. Giuliana doesn’t feel the same way.”
Gawker bases most of their stories off of everyone’s cookies and I think everyone deletes their cookies except me and all I use the internet for is watching Amy Schumer, so Jezebel figures they need to inject as much Schumer into their daily programming.
I work with a bunch of Chinese people who constantly cook our family dinners with still-in-shell shrimp. They eat the shells and I’m the oddball that’s like “thanks but no thanks.”
Sometimes, people from production would stand outside your room, when you’d think that they didn’t know you were up. They’d whisper, “You have to get him back to Buckingham Palace. The Royal Family’s very upset. They’re not happy about the show. It’s this new thing they’ve never done before, and they’re trying to be…