pre-emptive sigh

I think “we made” unequivocally focuses the story on them and takes away from the what the story is really about, the criminalization of black bodies.

No threats. Point made.

White women repeat statement made by colored people for years...subsequently claim to have discovered a great social truth.

See, this is one time I think the southern white ladies do it better:

No shit it’s not deep. That was my point. It was a football game. Not a life metaphor. The team that usually wins, won. The team that usually loses, lost. It wasn’t white supremacy or black power. It was good team vs bad team.

And the Root’s opinion isn’t mine (notice I said he wasn’t the only one to make that comparison). You could just as easily make the metaphor that team from the state that overwhelmingly voted for Trump lost to the team from the state that overwhelmingly voted for Clinton.

So a team owned by a rich white man, coached by a rich white man, and quarterbacked by a rich white man, beat another team owned by a rich white man, coached by a rich white man, and quarterbacked by a rich white man, but one team was supposed to represent blackness over the other?

Other than trying to turn a football game into an allegory about race (which he wasn’t the only one to do). Since New England won that game, does that mean that whites are superior? I hope not. Just like it wouldn’t have solved racism if Atlanta had won. It was just a football game.

I’m pretty sure the OP said take it out at any point. Not that they were against late term abortions.

Curious, at what point do you consider it a fetus a human if not viability?

Yall missed the point completely.

If a fetus is viable, abortion IS killing. That’s my whole point. And that’s not my point of view, it’s the Supreme Court’s.

At that point you’re simply killing for the sake of killing. You don’t want to be pregnant, you shouldn’t have to be pregnant. Just like mothers who don’t want kids can give them up for adoption. But that doesn’t mean that mothers who don’t want kids get to kill their kids.

Well, in America, you don’t get to decide when to end someone else’s life. You should get to decide how to use your own body though. That’s the difference.

Fetal viability has always been the crux of Roe-v-Wade because the court never specified a time and left it up to doctors. At some point though, it’s going to be possible to incubate fetuses without a mother.

If Comey wanted to throw the outcome of an election, all he had to do was recommend charges against Clinton at his July press conference. Even if the DoJ would have declined his recommendation (verly likely), the damage would have been done. He didn’t, so blaming Comey for the outcome of an election, where 53% of all

You’re right...the timing was bad. Comey should have brought charges in July when the Democrats could have changed courses.

Agreed. This campaign basically deevolved into a dirt slinging match. I blame Hillary’s campaign for being weak. I also blame the Americans who didn’t bother to vote even in the face of the mess that is our next president. And there are many other reasons. We all got what we deserved, when we should’ve fought harder

I love Hillary, I voted for her without reservations, I cried when she lost.