pre-emptive sigh

I don’t think that the media showing 1700 delegates to 0 for months on end before the Iowa caucus even took place had anything to do with influencing any democrat’s decision on who was going to win the election and where they should cast their vote.

You act as if the primaries are the be all, end all of finding the best candidate. Let’s take a look at the problems with that assumption this year:

Hillary is just a garbage person. What kind of selfish idiot hires Debbie Wasserman Schultz the day she resigns in disgrace? Hillary is a politician that loves insulting her core supporters more than improving people’s lives. Trump is going to ruin lives because that selfish monster had to take a paycheck from

But but Chelsea’s being groomed for Congress!

Trump got fewer votes than Romney did, not more. Clinton lost because she couldn’t hold on to people who voted for Obama twice. While racism is part of why people did vote for Trump, this isn’t about that, this is about why people who voted for Obama (who, as you may remember, is black) didn’t feel like Clinton would

Thankfully, the Democratic establishment, of all things, may be rejecting this sort of racist pacification of racists.

Keep in mind that these are the same Obama voters from Main Street USA who wrote the check to cover for Wall Street. And the Democratic establishment responded by abandoning them for Wall Street and further inequality.

It’s astonishing that Clinton lost having won the popular vote and with Trump winning the same 47% that Romney did. The enthusiasm gap wasn’t really between Clinton and Trump, it was between Clinton and Obama.

One commentator, I can’t recall if it was ABC or NBC (I flipped the channel any time Giuliani came on)

Four states that would have won it for her were Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. That geographic block was crucial to Trump, and in particular his jobs message. So what did we see? Trump outdid Romney in all four states, picking up an average of 159,000 votes per state (which is saying something since

Brooks’ buddy, Carl Reiner:

Stick to bad cereal takes!

Yeah, let’s keep perpetuating the dysfunction. That’ll fix things.

Everyone is so goddamn SHOCKED Hillary lost.

Is there anyone with a political opinion differing from yours that you find acceptable? For two days Ive been reading comments and blogs from people I thought I politically aligned with shouting down anything slighty off left as racist and misoginstic. So they are libertarians. That means they are full on Trump

When have they - the actual men Stone and Parker - ever said anything remotely resembling that. Starting with Team America I’ve learned that Liberals not named me have a real fucking hard time laughing at themselves.

You don’t watch or grossly misunderstand what you see when you watch.

And fortunate for him that he has a wife and daughters. Having neither, I am completely unable to form an opinion on the whole pussy-grabbing controversy.

You need to show raw numbers of votes vs change in vote margin. Trump garnered fewer votes than Romney. The only way his margin increases in so many areas is if the total # of votes cast goes down.

I mean, mayyyyyybe.

Oh, the refusal to acknowledge there are issues with white neoliberalism and white feminism runs strong here. Clover is the only one who called out white feminists. They’d rather say fuck Stein, Johnson, and Sanders than acknowledge that while white supremacy and sexism played the biggest role that there were other