pre-emptive sigh

Frankly, I find it disgusting that democrats are giving her a pass. Hillary Clinton caused more damage to the democratic party in one day than Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Donald Trump combined.

Clearly it wasn’t bullshit if you think she lost the election because of it.

Funny, I thought her use of a private email server was the problem...not the investigation of it.

When people get millions of dollars and the teenagers work for free?

So these people are getting organized? Sounds like a bunch of professional protestors to me.

The football eating tree.

what you need in that situation is a frisbee or a kite

New York senators get life long appointments. There have only been 5 since 1980 and that includes Hillary and her replacement.

All Senate Republicans, plus one Dem

And the Wall Street deregulation that cost me my job in 2009?

1. Clinton was bad...40 years of endless scandals (real or contrived) bad.

I hope the one good thing that comes out of this shitshow is that the Clintons are done. Bill’s legacy somehow remains positive despite the fact that the bills he passed did incredible long term harm to millions of people.

I was joking. I agree with what you’re saying.

Sounds suspiciously racist to me...

Whose fault is it that Hillary Clinton lost

Actually Trump got fewer votes than Romney (who lost btw), and this was a change election so more republicans were expected to turn out.


President Obama signed into a law a five-year, $305 billion highway bill on Friday, with just hours to spare before the scheduled expiration of the nation’s road and transit spending.

The country needs its infrastructure fixed.