pre-emptive sigh

That would require a 38 state majority. And states like Nebraska, Iowa, and Idaho would essentially have to vote to give away their political power.

Read what you wrote again. The house passed the bill after John McCain came back and scuttled it.

You mean the stimulus he passed when the democrats controlled the house and the senate? That one? The one republicans stopped funding immediately after they took the House in 2010? We talking about the same bill? We must be because that’s the only bill...

The sound of jaws hitting the floor reverberated in Washington this afternoon when Republican presidential nominee John McCain announced that he would suspend his campaign and asked that Friday’s debate be postponed. Why? Because of the “historic crisis in our financial system,” said McCain, who intends to return

No one got raped? No one got boiling water poured on them? No one spray painted a swastika on the field?

I remember that differently. I remember McCain coming back to Washington from his campaign and telling them to start over on the bailout so he could be a part of it.

Who gives a shit who gets credit? The country needs its infrastructure fixed. You’d rather have crumbling bridges and failing power grids than bipartisan efforts?


I wasn’t even talking about that. I was talking about the 6.8 million fewer people that voted for democrats in this election than in 2012. If even half the people who voted for Obama but stayed home this time came out, it wouldn’t even have been close.

Now playing

I kinda wanna release 1 mongoose on that island with all those iguana eating snakes and see what happens...

Republicans blocked every infrastructure bill Obama tried to pass, but I think if Trump pushes for one democrats should absolutely support it. Show that they’re not the same as republicans.

Easy. You pick a minority group to all hate together.

Where Trump gained and lost over Romney:

Right, but the amount you take home isn’t related to the amount on your screen at the end of the game.

Because just like her geography skills, her math skills were lacking. She was in last place, common strategy is to bet it all since you don’t keep what you have unless you win. Or sometimes people will leave $1 so they don’t go all the way to 0.

At least she answered in the form of a question.

Right? Like my mom tried to explain why it was bad to me, and I was like ‘sounds like a compliment to me.’ But apparently women sometimes take offense at it. I guess you need to own some of your own women to know that though.

I think we’ve proven that you can make the game better, safer, and more entertaining. I think you can do all three of them. And we’ve done that over decades.

Trump didn’t win. Hillary Clinton lost. Compare the map Noble Renard just put up