pre-emptive sigh

Your candidate sucked. Stop blaming other people and get better candidates.

Already happened. One guy brought a sign to a Trump rally which could’ve been gun. It was a sign...but still Trump shit himself and that’s what really counts.

Not like Trump voters who evidently have time to vote twice...

Voter fraud is real. There was a case not 40 miles from me 2 days ago

Yesterday? Never? It makes no difference.

Probably out in the woods burying more bodies!

You’re right. I was wrong. It wasn’t Christmas Eve it was the Saturday before Christmas when people were doing their last minute shopping or having parties.

there was a debate on Christmas Eve?....I don’t remember that

A democrat was getting electing in 2008 whether they were white, black or green with pink polkadots. After the finincial collapse it was inevitable. What wasn’t inevitable is that the odds on favorite (Clinton) would lose to a relative nobody (Obama) in the primary.

Yeah, Hillary Clinton’s antics as you seem to think they are...subverted the entire democratic process.

You ever seen a typical politician be investigated by the FBI, collude with their party leadership to win the primary, and get debate questions in advance during a single election before? If so, politics is way more exciting and fucked up where you live then where I live.

So a the first black guy is a novelty but the first woman isn’t?

There’s no question that Clinton had much more expected of her and a much higher bar to clear. A large part of that is being a woman. Another large part is being the ‘establishment politician’ in the race. And a third is that people have been associating the name Clinton with scandals for literally over 30 years.

No. I based it off the results that came in today. Trump actually got fewer votes than Mitt Romney did in 2012, but Hillary drove away 6.8 million democrats since 2012.

Well I can’t say electing Trump, a republican senate, and a republican house won’t have consequences. The first thing they’re going to do is obviously nominate a Supreme Court justice. That will be a big tell.

Fact #1: If Hillary Clinton receives the same votes in 2016 that Obama received in 2012, Hillary Clinton wins going away.

Self-preservation takes precedence over literally everything else. You can have empathy only once your needs are met. You’ll never meet a starving person who felt really bad that someone else’s home was being foreclosed.

Fair enough. As much as I like to argue politics. I can certainly understand people being tired of it.

The joke of an organization is still a joke of an organization. I just showed you the data. This election wasn’t about Trump or what Trump represents. It was about the DNC getting fast and loose with the primaries. About Clinton thinking the rules don’t really apply to her. About the expectation by both of them that

And the other candidate was fully endorsed by Wall Street. I can only speak for myself, but Wall Street has done far more harm to me personally than the joke of an organization that is the modern KKK. (I voted for Clinton anyway, but damn if it didn’t feel gross).