President Obomanu


VeggieTales, I think.

We are all dumber for having opened this article.

Deadspin writers are giving Daryl Morey a run for his money as most sensitive media personality.

Clowns should be exposed, so I have starred your comment.

The worst part about this isn't that I did all that shit talking over the weekend and yesterday afternoon.

At the rate the Clippers are playing, that's not his best staredown, either.

"It's hard to tell if Woodbury is doing this maliciously"

I think it makes sense that the government would kill 27 people in a small town to prove a point about guns, but refuse to fudge numbers on a spreadsheet. They gotta draw the line somewhere.

It was neither a mistake nor an oversight. The murders fell under the jurisdiction of the State police, who filed all of the reports in that case. The listing was about crimes the individual local jurisdictions throughout the state had filed.

Bobby Petrino's coaching career has been a series of escapes. Not even one year after signing a 10-year extension

Who fucking cares? It's an institutional punishment. When companies get fined for transgressions, you can't say hey! you're punishing current stockholders for the misdeeds of stockholders past. That's not how it works.

It's been several years and I still laugh every time I think of this old "Drunken Hookup Failure" from Magary's old weekly feature on Deadspin (…):

Me, after Belichick doesn't call one of his two timeouts: "Wow, maybe the worst coaching decision I've ever seen him make."