President Obomanu

illeagls sounds like an avian themed hip hop group

Meanwhile, at foxnews dot com...

“Pay me to not coach? Okay.”

Hmm, yes, why bother reviewing something you have an opinion about?

You know what they say about Deadspin comments...


Am I a huge tool for asking this question?

The writer isn’t saying anything that a google search wouldn’t have you discovering. She isn’t describing bomb making.

“No. It’s not a symbol of what you say it is. It may symbolize that to you, but not others...”

I believe it says Lietuva, which is Lithuania in Lithuanian.

Can’t watch video, are tonsil stones mentioned? These can be a super pain, and there’s no easy way to make them go away.

That dissent was embarrassing. It read like something a two-bit prosecutor from a low-tier law school would bring in during a victim-impact statement.

It is easy to see who has never played a team sport. Last I checked, basketball is a team sport.

This is the perfect metaphor for my life.

He had a disproportionate amout of oops to alleys here