President Obomanu

Fowler: "And to top it all off, guess how far he can punt a football..."

Chuck Pagano: "Trent, I think you're terrible, personally."

Pants Down, Man Down

"I don't," replied Pasch, who stated that he had a book for Walton that refuted evolution. Later, Pasch made a comment alluding to the concept of irreducible complexity, a concept

And we now know where to start for most disproportionately obnoxious things said by state... who makes more money?

First TV, now basketball? MAKE A DECISION LARRY.

He fathered RGIII.

Her uncle is Jim Harbaugh, so just be glad those are probably tears and not blood.

Regardless of whether he reaches 2,000 yards, it sounds like he's coming up 5-8 inches short.


Church of Latter Game Fights

Following after his uncle, he sounds like a real cancer to any team...

Sam Hinkie already exploited this loophole by using Create-a-Player for players like "Ronald Roberts," "Drew Gordon," and "Hollis Thompson"

Big deal. Texas Western won the NCAA championship playing 3/5 against 5.

I'm pretty sure that was the guy from The Matrix, not Nelson Mandela.

Generic Deadspin Commenter: [who wants to sex Mutumbo joke]

A "gigantic fuckup"? Comparing the author of a blog post to Roger Goodell?

How can you be that dumb and simultaneously capable of using a computer to post that comment?

On (any day in history), a truly terrible 76ers team traveled to (anywhere) to take on the (anyone)

Yeah, not even close. Yikes.