The announcers kept saying Pinkston, but it was Ennis with the block. So the headline should probably be changed accordingly.
The announcers kept saying Pinkston, but it was Ennis with the block. So the headline should probably be changed accordingly.
And he used to be banging Elaine Alden, Landry Fields' wife.
Never in my sporting life did I ever think it would be okay to shove a referee. He could've been standing between me and a huddle on the sideline and I never would've thought to do anything except say excuse me or walk around him.
I think he killed a guy with a cane and then took it from him to beat other fans.
The VT team that beat OSU is a lot different from the one that exists today too. What a horrible loss.
The New York Times is the worst. I love it when Columbia loses.
The Editor who approved it is an Alabama grad. But maybe he's in on the conspiracy, too.
It was a newspaper that posted the picture, not Auburn, dipshit.
Did John Rocker get one of those talk to type keyboards? Has Siri gotten good enough to write that whole thing for him?
Are you sure that's not Isaiah Austin playing in whiteface under a fake European name?
Yep. See: that shitass Peter Lalich.
Exactly. Perez had zero chance vs. Bumgarner. Just make them make the play in the biggest moment of their baseball lives.
Seriously, when can we stop doing this?
"Everyone but Shved looks like an Outlaw to me" - George Zimmerman
Chris Mortensen already tweeted about this fabebd situation yesterday.
Considering she was past the first down marker, I'm pretty sure she felt very safe from most Jets players, especially Geno.
Rooney and Mara starring in The Girl with the Elevator Handrail Tattoo
Danny Ferry's in for a big surprise when he sees what this guy named "Mario" looks like.
Can't we just let racist people be racist anymore? What happened to the FIRST AMENDMENT OF RACISM?