
In my experience, academics in engineering and sciences have a third camp: the people who are like ‘food?’ who would otherwise eat like 3 apples and a frozen pizza per day....or are taken care of by a long-suffering spouse. The two types you’ve described are definitely well-represented.

I once brought food to a friend who had just had a baby. She seemed confused and slightly offended. She said, “Do you think we don’t have food?” I just brought some deli meat and cheese, potato salad, and some rolls, so they wouldn’t have to cook or scramble to feed people who stopped by. In my family this is just

My family’s Thanksgivings involve upwards of 60 people. There is no fucking way one of us could afford to cater or cook for the entire group. I think maybe some of the significance is also, like, a harvest-festival-agrarian-culture sort of thing, where you all contribute something to the meal. I haven’t been able to

Glob, now I want to watch Yellow Submarine.

Are they bluish? They don’t look bluish...

He’s made anti-semitic comments.

Justin should just do like Rihanna does and go on a block/unfollow spree when fans get out of hand, thinking they can dictate her life and the people in it.

Here I am posting recipes for everyone because I feel very strongly for potluck.

Speak for yourself. I attended a potluck thrown by my community choir (100+ singers) and it was fucking AWESOME! There were a lot of people who could cook their butts off and were looking for a reason to show off... it was fabulous.

My mom used to have 25 people for Thanksgiving every year. She always made the turkey, a couple of sides, the salad, a dessert, and put out snacks and drinks. 25 people was pretty much the minimum for any occasion. Inviting fewer people was not really an option.

After years of lurking and cheering, crying and grumping with you all... I hope this isn’t the last SNS.

Or the step-sibling of potlucks - progressive dinners. It’s like a potluck, but you go from house to house for each dish or course. My in-laws are so very into them and are always talking about the latest one they served their scalloped corn or jello salad or whatever at. The idea of traipsing from house to house just

Follow your dreams, even when your footwear tries to take them from you. Especially then.

It’s one way people can feel helpful during a helpless time.

I love potlucks. And from the South, I must say, a person isn’t really officially dead until someone shows up with a casserole.

This is great. It’s like we share the same brain, except about the drinking. Also, sometimes I am the person who is bringing my Famous Seven-Layer Refried Bean Dip, piping hot, in the Pyrex it was made in, if I don’t get that guy back I will show up at your house and hold you hostage until you rep it up, and sometimes

There is a real class division in how people view potlucks. Higher income people view them as lazy and cheap. Most blue collar folks see them as fun and a great way to have a party. There are a lot of people who can’t afford to invite 20-30 people over to eat. Blue collar folks also don’t usually do wine/ hors

Most of my friends know by now I’m the girl that will bring the chips and dip that I buy on my way to the party. I am not ashamed.

Couple things: