
Well you seem funny as hell, I say go for it! (seriously I can’t stop looking at that gif)

I’m one of those dopes who says things like “I’ve had this TV since the Reagan Administration” that make people roll their eyes, so I’m looking forward to saying “yes, I was also a dumbass during the BILL Clinton administration.”

I’m surprised we haven’t seen that video yet - someone’s pet attacking the TV with Trump on it. Or have we? or is someone filmier than I going to make one? I don’t think my cats know who he is.

That’s pretty adorable! It makes me think of Snoopy sitting on Schroeder’s piano. :)

LOL same here... I don’t inspire romance or have the patience for it. I got needs.

What a gem, thanks! She was laughing so hard *I* almost lost an eyelash!

Man, the real Anchower would never be such a buzzkill [KIDDING please don’t kill me i hate jellies but you are right]

FOR FUCK’S SAKE. I leave my truck keys with my beach chair when I swim or go for a walk and every time, a small part of me anticipates looking back and seeing someone running away from my chair and jumping into my beat-up 15-year old mangled Hot Wheel of a vehicle, bypassing all the shiny F250s and SUVs that people

He is adorable and his hair is gorgeous!

I love dogs with people names!! And cute happy dogs and people hiking together :)

Same... and I had the little bleedy broken capillaries, never on my face but all over my hands and arms. sure don’t miss that. On the plus side, my balance remains fantastic from struggling to remain upright for years.

I myself discovered it in the last couple of months cleaning a tilting makeup mirror at a client’s house. I honestly spent about a week wondering if my friends were having second thoughts about being seen with me and not judging them if they were.

LOL...the name of that file is “majestic bubbles” !! hahaha

Yeah when I scrolled down the main page and saw the top of the image, my first thought was that Jez had been hacked by the gore porn or whatever they’re called trolls and I s l o o o o w e d my scroll. I was still sorry I saw what I saw.

I don’t always broadcast this but when I quit drinking last year I went through a brutal detox in the ICU and one of my biggest regrets is that I did not go to rehab and quit properly. I actually wanted to, but other people had me convinced that I could beat it myself and as a result I almost died. Right now my

OMG you guys are so cute it makes me happy!

Very very beautiful, that is going to be a lot of gorgeous dog!

No kidding. Every time someone mentions it I start to google what stupid flavor it’s supposed to be and then I remember I don’t care because it tastes like carob cardboard. The color is unappetizing even when it’s in cake where it’s supposed to be, I won’t comment on the image above.

When I was a very little kid in the 1970s my mom always had a tub of Queen Helene cocoa butter that she would put on sunburns and I would chant “Queen/He-LENE/CO-cobutter Creme” over and over again like I am now in my head, only I would do it out loud.

Bubbles! OMG this is the hugest sorry