
I loved Suburgatory, but I loved her on it too, I thought she was so funny! Mr. Robot is a great show but it breaks my heart sometimes and I have to take a break.

SAME with me and my bro! I had a crush on Peter Scolari well through Newhart. I still might!

I want to go see her in Vegas too!! and I covet that silver dress

Please don’t kill me but it’s “wielding”

I admit, I pictured that too and laughed and laughed. I was actually picturing one of the bosses from Seinfeld (Mr. Kruger) wearing leggings and a crop top and yelling at people while pointing his finger around “boss” style.

Thank you. My husband and I will raise our glasses to you across the terminal, when we see the only other people at the airport who changed out of their pajamas.

THAT WAS MY QUESTION. Do they just always fucking have them, because that makes me think that there are probably people I know who do and I don’t want to be made to think about that!! and some actress (legit can’t remember which one) is shamed because she put one under her dog’s butts for a cute 4th of July photo but

OMG that first site with the rats posing on fancy glass stems! I’ve always heard good things about them as pets.

If you’re getting dressed and thinking “this is an occasion for formal shorts!” PUT ON PANTS. tell him that

For me, it was frustrating because I was SO good at the artsy fartsy stuff that I couldn’t believe that there was something I could not grasp and made me feel stupid. Algebra was the first thing I couldn’t get a good grade in no matter what. Mad respect to math and those who can do it and related talents. I play bass

What’s crazy is that you sound like my husband right now. Like everything you’ve said in this thread. You guys sound cool (not like THAT.. I mean.. hehehehe) no really you do.

Plus, I guess I am alone because I don’t see anyone else saying that their NECK does not look like it did in the 1990s. A choker on me now would look like someone had cinched a rubber band around a hard candy wrapper. (Kids! moisturize your neck!)

Being the cool girl can sometimes really NOT work out for the girl... it takes years to figure that out sometimes.

Maybe they remembered him by sight as that nice conservative guy with the talk show on that devil comedy channel? I mean... he fooled some people, it makes sense they would be in charge of security at the RNC.

Now I have to confirm... you did change your name back right, it was something a little different for a while? LOL, I went and checked that you had all your followers and your name looked right, but do I remember that correctly? :-D

For some reason I thought the one you’re talking about was spelled Knot Ironic, I feel like I see them more on Gawker than here and I know I’ve starred them. But I too was wondering why a familiar-sounding name was acting a fool, I’m glad the fake one was exposed.

“Mr. Talese... Mr. TALESE! Come back over here with the group, now. We’re looking at nice pictures!”

thank you I scrolled down for your comment that I knew would be here and be genius! Even better than I expected, it took me 2 reads to get all the reads

The fact that his name is JOHANSSEN has made my week

Thanks again! Hug back! and I love your screen name. I’ve always been a fan of the “compliments of a fiend” typo, in fact fiend is just one of my favorite words.