
You can ask me too. I ordered mine in June 2020 and received it in September 2020. They had not yet ramped up production so there was a wait. It’s a black S3. Back then it was $2199 for the bike, $590 for the 3 year full maintenance/theft plan, and I also got a rear rack and large pannier. All that with shipping my

Can you get Bike Snob to write a guest review?

“It had a sticker price of $29,389, or $75,984 in today’s money.”

Hopefully a more mature and less awful/embarrassing sense of humor.

Lol no they don’t. There’s 700k police officers in the US, and 89 died in the line of duty, and 41 died in accidents, so that means 48 were killed by a suspect. So 48 for 700k, or 6.8/100k. The murder rate for the ENTIRE US is 5/100k, and a ton of cities and states are over 6.8. So no, cops aren’t much more likely to

Not really. COVID was responsible for the biggest increase in police officer deaths in decades. Retail workers face a higher chance of being murdered than a police officers do. The greatest risk to a police officer is stopping someone on the highway at night and being hit by a passing car. Relative to other jobs being

“But lets be real, do most CIS people drive around and say “Oh, a trans person, lets run them over/kill them!” Nope.”

lol trans people are over 4x more likely to be the victims of violent crime than cis people, that attitude is pretty common 

If you want people to take you seriously, maybe don’t use obviously hate loaded terms like ‘alphabet soup people’. It’s still okay to just say LGBTQ. A smart person like you ought to be able to remember 5 letters.

I think the problem here is you’re going too far out the other side. Take it from a trans person, currently living through a massive wave of nationwide transphobia, the more people speaking out in our support the better.

Oh hey look, someone proving my exact fucking point, too bad they’re prolly gonna get removed for hate speech.

Being a cop isn’t even in the Top 20 most-dangerous jobs in the United States.

Cue the wave of cis people whining about this like it actually affects them. As is the usual, the conversation won’t actually be lead by trans folk, but people who don’t have a horse in the race arguing what’s best for people they know nothing about.

You’ve never met someone who grew up in SA or moved there during the 70s and 80s, right?

I’m a little confused by something left out of this piece and the linked news article: Based on my extensive experience with Law and Order reruns, I’m under the impression that it’s the district attorney (or other government legal office, depending) who decides whether to charge someone with a crime.

Solterra sounds like a Toyota name, and bZ4x sounds like a Subaru name. I bet someone in the marketing department got the two names mixed up.

BuzzForks Exlee

the law certainly does little to back up bike riders

I think a lot of it is that you get crazy performance almost for free when you have a giant battery providing power. The main limiting factor (besides traction) is how fast the battery can discharge. When you have a battery with a lot of cells it can discharge a lot of power in a hurry.

It’s pretty much just a side effect of EV motors. It was going to happen regardless. 

Hoser, I call BS on your anecdote. I split my time between FL and VT, and I also never once saw anyone get a ticket written for being too close. And Presidentarthur is here to represent San Francisco... so it just seems a little too convenient. I think you got called out on your exaggeration of restrictions, and