
You can purchase the scooter from them outright for $990 or you can subscribe to it in a $49 monthly subscription or a $39 annual option.

There is no way we office workers, as a whole in the US, are ever going to permanent WFH. My particular office had a discussion of a hybrid schedule, but that was like 2 years ago and we are all back to full time in office. It was a fart in the wind.

I still have my Majo Alpine. It’s a great casting!

I think an honorable mention should go to Hong Kong for being (reportedly) the only mass transit system that actually makes a profit.

Majority shareholder means greater than 50%.

They are experimenting with re-upping evergreen posts for traffic boosts. 

That’s great news! This is one time I’m very happy to be wrong. :-)

Wasn’t sure at the first shot mocking the commuter, but the second time around you knew they were Indian (or assumed the trucker thought so)

I dunno, keeping a spotlight on these troglodytes is a public good.

In August, new daily Covid-19 infection in the U.S. peaked at 492, according to data tracker Our World In Data. In the ensuing months, this has begun trailing off and now sits at just 105 as of March 13.”

Funny how perspective works in photography, from the front angle with the Toyota closer they don’t look that different in size:

Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know where I got 2 inches. 20 inches is a lot.

So I was a cop about 10 years ago. After being in law enforcement a few years, I moved to a small department. After a few months, I witnessed my sergeant violating someone’s 4th amendment rights. I reported it to my chief thinking it was the right thing to do. I was forced out and blacklisted from ever working in law

Police serve a vital function to society and their presence is needed. I think virtually everyone with any measure of sense can admit that at some level. However, one bad apple really does spoil the bunch. Until police officers and their unions are willing and able to act in the best interests of the society they are

It’s not just the “tiny fraction of” bad cops, it’s the overwhelming majority of chips who leap to protect bad cops from the consequences of their actions, and who in doing so, encourage that badness.

I would have expected a BMW 320i to be on there too then. I guess since they haven’t changed the name in decades though this could very well be counting the 1.8T versions that are clapped out and stereotypically driven by similar WRX bros.

Ummm, yeah. I own a WRX (STi). I have a DUI. 15 years ago, younger and more stupid. WRX also ranks as one of the top cars to receive speeding tickets. I remember seeing the list a while back. Included AMG’s and other high performance cars. Anyway, I was pulled over for speeding, cop saw one of those road side speeding

There’s a gender correlation too. Men are more likely to drink-drive.

You’re just more likely to get pulled over in a WRX. At 2 AM the cops aren’t going to ignore no front plate, too dark tint, loud exhaust etc. Don’t give the cops low hanging fruit.