
And here Apple is sitting on around $200 billion in cash and they’re still twiddling their thumbs on getting into the EV market.

What I’ve missed in all this is what stake truckers (of all jobs) have in mask and vaccine mandates. As I understand it, you drive by yourself, and sleep in a cab or hotel along the way by yourself, you don’t need to go into gas stations to fill up, and restrooms or anywhere that offers eat-in dining at most requires

I appreciate it thank you. And thanks for reading!

Hey Lawrence, I haven’t read your article yet, but I just wanted to say that I’m very happy to see you all back at the desk. This is the first Jalopnik article that I open. Congrats to you and your colleagues for making it through in rough times.

It better be called the Sony Driveman

For $2,000, you got a five-inch unit in a terrible position.”

Out of 370,000.

Like the Canadian Protests, looks like there’s a lot of “economic anxiety” at work here.

Another way this protest is aiming at the wrong target:

It’s nonsense. It’s noise. It’s posturing.

Where is “here”? The definitions of categories of bikes and trikes vary from state to state.

Looks like they’re on strike

Honda have been selling electric scooters in China for years.

I wish them luck. Livewire will have to compete with this and 250 other models. I think of a 30K Livewire and the only thing I can picture is Bradley riding it back from LA on his epic trip of misfortune. But in reality by sales volume will be below and dominated by city riding

That’s by design, though. Georgetown could have had real public transit access decades ago if the wealthy residents hadn’t been terrified it would bring those yucky poors.

Something that used to happen twice a year in Madison, WI was an event called “Ride the drive” where they shut down some of the major roads downtown along lake monona and let bicycles just have full access, from about 9 in the morning until about 4 in the afternoon. I got to participate a couple times and the biggest

So, now that the hornet’s nest is good and stirred up, He’s not wrong. There are places where cars and trucks should not be, in general.

Ever been to a European City? They are insanely cool, even the little ones. In every city, there is a walking area, which is many blocks long where there are tons of things to do, places to go, and places to eat. Not uncommon for these areas to be super old too, with timberframed buildings or inside walls or the like.

there are many practical reasons why a total ban of cars and trucks in even a city like NYC, Chicago, Boston or other major cities with decent to good public transit is not feasible.

businesses need to get deliveries, things need to get repaired, buildings need to get built.

that said, it is entirely feasible to ban

I love when my local town closes downtown streets on weekends and certain evenings in nice weather. It creates a fun atmosphere described well in the article.