
Ratings don’t really mean shit.

I once got tear-gassed for sitting in a park to protest a logging operation in an old-growth forest. We weren’t blocking traffic. We weren’t damaging anything. We weren’t shutting down the economy. We weren’t armed. We weren’t doing anything other than sitting and standing around, waving signs, and screaming at

Right. People around here would think nothing of re-fitting an old UHaul to cart their LeMons racer around. This is just how you scale that up for your annual trip to Sydney-Hobart.

Commercial vans (esp RVs) have been a ripe market for Hybridization for at least a decade. I would argue even more so for plug-in varieties since a lot of RV accessible campsites have electric 120v 30AMP power.

That power range is hefty gaming PC territory and the biggest consumer there would be the GPU. I guarantee the Tesla will be using mobile spec components which will use much less power. Absolute top spec Ryzen laptop chips use around 60w under all core, full boost conditions. I'd be surprised if what's in the Tesla

According to Tom's Hardware it's a Zen+ quad core. Looking at the specs it's somewhere around a 2500. Not bad but not impressive nowadays. 

I’m a gun owner, and I use it for target shooting and I sometimes take it into the mountains for large animal protection if I’m alone (I also carry bear spray as a first line of defense). I’m also a very even keeled person, not prone to emotional outbursts. But even I know that carrying a weapon daily only makes this

This guy should have attempted murder or manslaughter charges brought against him - just because he didn’t hit another person with his gunfire doesn’t reduce the seriousness of the crime. Mandatory 10-20 years in prison and a permanent ban from owning or using firearms.  

Owen- please ungrey this guy. If Jalopnik is going to continue to run bike content (and I’m good with that) this guy has depth. And he defended you politely. I had forgotten about cross chaining a bike intentionally to get the wheel off. I’ve had only 1X setups for the last 11 years.

lol nice one. Maybe he had the wheel off. (we mechanics will cross up the chain/derails to make wheel removal/replacement easier.)

he said funny. Chappelle aint been funny since 2003

Well said. One of my favorite jokes is Bernie Mac joking about stuttering and he does it without slamming anyone. Harvey, Hart, and Chappell can joke about gay life, not-abled lifestyle, colorism, ageism, sex, etc without damning the people they joke about. I expected more from them—guess I shouldn’t have.

Clearly you’re a troll but I have some time so I’ll bite.

If you can’t make a joke without punching down on somebody, maybe you don’t need to be in “comedy.” 

It’s not totally weird, since Americans typically don’t buy wagons (or sedans in the same numbers as trucks/SUV’s). I drive a 2017 Audi A6 Avant and I can count on two fingers how many other Avants/Avanti I’ve seen in the past ~5 years. The only wagons I see around here in the Mid-West are busted out Dodge Magnums. Us

My wife and I moved to the suburbs and welcomed our first child all within the last 8 weeks.

Yes, but value added, especially in this era that now we have to worry about wireless network upgrades causing integral features to stop working.

Now playing

I have been following Siraj on Youtube since 2016-ish when he still posted interesting stuff and explained a lot on how he did AI, machine learning using neural networks. I lost my interest when he started to get into crypto around 2017 and was kindof pushing certain coins shortly before ICO and started making videos

Keep in mind that San Francisco is VERY congested and parking can be a real bitch. Say goodbye to bumpers that aren’t eventually going to get all dented and scratched.  I would suggest something a little on the cheaper end as a result. Something like a Buick Encore, a small crossover that gets good fuel economy and

I feel like this guy stumbled into the wrong web site. Either way, I hope he enjoys the CR-V he ends up getting.