
LOL. If you are carrying a loaded gun and, if we can believe the theory in the comments, “just not thinking about it.” Then you are not the kind of person that should be allowed to carry a weapon.

From a gun show, in Texas:

I’m seeing “forgetting you have it because you carry all the time” as an excuse for this, but holy fuck that’s irresponsible. If you made the decision to carry but you’re not being thoughtful enough to realize you’re carrying a loaded gun in a god damned airport, everyone (including you) would be better off if you

This mofo is just trolling. Michelle got a first hand taste of what she already knew and what she almost divorced Barack over. She is not and will never run for anything if she can help it.

Trucks and Jeeps are exempt from the “yearning to use it as intended” rule, because they’re mostly purchased as statement vehicles. Everyone knows and expects that your Wrangler or F-150 will spend 95% of its life not doing the thing it was designed for - you just have to look like you could at any time. But like you

Now playing

Yes, a minivan is more practical than a big-ass SUV

A male passenger told her “it was an inappropriate comment and that she ‘isn’t Black … this isn’t Alabama and this isn’t a bus.’” He then said, “Sit down, Karen.”

I’ve been done with the cockholster genre of insult comedy for a while. Once I had a son and reflected on what was wrong with my upbringing. I decided to try to do better. We just stick to fat shaming now. (Kidding).

If the insult is, ‘You are a man & you want to engage in homosexual behavior b/c you like them so much that you overlook any of their flaws.’, that’s homophobic. It’s just juvenile & simply not a clever way to tell someone you believe they’re so biased that they could never imagine the person they worship could be

Implying the poster is sucking Elon’s dick & that doing so is a bad thing that shows fewer morals than the poster says they have is an insult to everyone who genuinely likes to suck dick & is homophobic if you think the poster’s a male.
Or were you suggesting they’re a messy eater?

Um, yes there is.

“Sir, no shoes, no shirt, no mask, no service. You’re wearing underwear on your face. Please remove yourself from this plane, so that we can have an on-time departure?”

I guess I’m not quite sure how this works. So I rent the truck directly from Outdoorsy to pick up at some specified location? And then I rent the trailer from a stranger from the listings on Outdoorsy’s website?

I wish Last Man On Earth would get their shot to finish the story despite them saying they expected it and are happy with it.  I want it back!

Here’s the things:

It almost looked like he needed to be even more alert than if he were actually just driving. Because not only was he having to look for obstacles and stuff (like any driver does), he was also having to try to predict and react to what the stupid car was trying to do.

That is sort of my thinking looking at this tech. Would it help me drive more relaxed to and from work? I highly doubt it. It is more like being extra alert as a beta tester of a software that could potentially cause an expensive accident. Would it help me driving more relaxed on long highway drives? Possibly, but

As someone who works in the biggest port in Long Beach:

1.) On a typical morning shift we have 240 slots (appointments) for truckers to come get a can... out of those 60% get booked.. and 60% of those show up..
So 90 containers out of the possible 240 allocations. If we worked around the clock (and paid the 50%

I don’t know who I heard say it, but they said it best, “Employers love to talk supply and demand until it comes to labor.”