
Elon is probably the top reason I chose not to buy a Tesla.  He’s such a fucking adolescent prick.

A hit dog will holler…

Governments pick favourites all the time though. Subsidies for fossil fuel industries have been around for decades. So just because this is a subsidy for unionized shops it’s now somehow wrong?

The old tax credit had this problem. The new proposal is as a refundable tax credit (that is, a credit that can exceed your tax  bill).

The playing field is not level.

With regard to your mention of a tired driver being incorrectly identified as intoxicated and pulled over, I have a vivid memory of a 60 minutes piece where they ran an experiment comparing intoxicated drivers to sleep deprived drivers on a closed course and found the tired drivers to be worse at navigating the

I am, to my shame, a 2-time loser. And as such, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that no system exists outside of full automation that can keep drunks from driving while also not screwing over normal, rational drivers at the same time.

Never liked Pip during his career though gave him props as a 2 way Monster on the court.......BUT......any shade thrown at the Ahole of all Aholes, Im here for it.

Im not in the NBA and dont go against Jimmy Butler on the court BUT he seem like that dude growing up that never was in a fight but cats kinda didnt wanna test him cause he seem so crazy and bout it

This is an incorrect take.

In case you haven’t seen the cancel culture comments from Bobcat Goldthwait

The thing that pisses me off the most about this whole mess is that these cyclists were hit doing a training ride for that weekend’s Ironman race- meaning that the ones who were hit, who’ve been training for this for at least a year and sometimes more, got that dream yanked right out from under them. The ones who

Yeah, but one of the first things our in-house counsel told us is that moving money around as soon as one suspects a claim may be incoming is a super no-no. The judge can and will reverse all that.

Just saw it. Fixing a lost paragraph:

No, no, no, no and no... never. Go find an R/T off of an aging boomer and then kit it to look the part. 

Without a description or copy of the drawing, we can’t conclude that there wasn’t a way to interpret it as an implicit or explicit threat that was at least somewhat reasonable. Of course, that possibility does not excuse any of the ensuing bullshit.

Right.  I see lots of young women who like to drive 80-90 mph on highways around here, and still crash all the time.  But when you get into thrill-seeking high speed behavoir, I think it’s mostly just men.

I can answer this question: no. It cannot.

What kind of fucking idiot pulled this racist troll out of the greys?