
Sigh. Two minor points:

“ the double-shooting sleeve, late-stage Melo getup”

If you’re on Android, disable the office FB app. It’s nothing but spyware with the multitude of permissions it wants. If you really need it on your phone, get a FB wrapper app, like Metal Pro.

It always has been. Men condescend disproportionately to women. Now that young women are, on average, more educated than men, and men are still explaining stuff we already know to us on a regular basis, this is getting named and called out.

I’m sorry, but that was a ridiculous response to a reasonable question. This season has been cathartic but bad. You can forgive us for raising the fact that everything appears to be supported by Deus ex machina all over the place, because that’s a legitimate flaw that bears discussion.

lol no risk of that mate... my little brain is suited for metalwork and i know it

As an engineer, I can tell you could still have IP-68 with a removable LiPo battery and no ugly back.

How do we know Zuckerberg specifically put a ton of thought into this, versus just “choose what you think are the best photos of me” – no different from how any soon-to-be-wed couple would direct their own photographer?

I haven’t found these to be as useful as I would have thought. They don’t insulate as well as traditional oven mitts so a hot cast iron pan can only be held for a few seconds before getting too hot. The fingers are too fat and awkward to be truly dextrous so I end up using tongs for flipping meat and other delicate

I haven’t found these to be as useful as I would have thought. They don’t insulate as well as traditional oven mitts

After spending thousands and thousands of dollars on Kindle books and more thousands purchasing things that were easier to find on Amazon than local stores, I broke my Amazon addiction. My next e-reader (I’m on my 5th or 6th Kindle) will be anything but Amazon. This looks fine. I’m not buying my e-books from Amazon

100% correct assessment.

You could paint “Live, Laugh, Love” on the front of it.

Does anyone mistake it for an Infiniti Q45?

Poor man’s Toyota Century — accept no substitutes. At least most of the switchgear and little interior bits in this comes from a gen 1 LS400, the stuff in the President looks like it came out of a Sentra.

Come on, Honda. Do this to the Fit. Please!

Very true, although if I’m in the back, I’m gonna hog the snacks. More likely, I’ll be yelling something like, ‘you’re too loud’ when they’re having a conversation about Pokemon or whatever.....

Fiats depreciate like rocks. If you’re me and love 500s as well as have auction/wholesale connections, this is GREAT!! I’ve now owned two used 500s and have enjoyed both immensely. Earlier this year I got one of those early morning auction calls from my husband which are almost inevitably Fiat related, “I’m looking at

I know some Jalops don’t want to hear it. But as someone who is old enough to remember the brown clouds and inversions from the 70's and 80's anything that slows Trump from being able to allow automakers to sell guzzling spewers without checks or balances is completely alright with me.

If by “losing shit,” you mean responding rationally to an obvious political error, then yes. It’s also not just a complaint from liberals. But I’m pretty sure you don’t have the cognitive capacity to understand.

That’s because we can see what is coming. You can’t.