
If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.

That first security guy in the yellow earned his fucking paycheck last night.

If enough of us like this comment, it comes true. It comes true, people.

I got into an argument with a friend last week about how this was a travesty. He’s Taiwanese of Chinese ancestry, but grew up in the States. His response was basically, if the Chinese don’t want to be accused, they shouldn’t be spying. I was flabbergasted. He then followed that up by saying practically all Chinese

No outcry in the comments about the fact that a US citizen was treated this way? Oh right, he’s Chinese, not white. Guess it doesn’t matter because they’re all the “enemy” right?

OTOH, you can work electric motorcycles from the other angle- instead of racing, start from the bottom with scooters.

Damn near all German cars do that. They’re fantastic as new cars, and a bargain for the jalop on a budget once the original owner sells it three years later. Assuming you can afford to special-order a new wurfleschnader from the factory when it begins spitting and snarling and threatening the Polish at exactly 100,001

That’s the kind of thinking that got me to this tablet. I started off looking at cheapo ones but wanted a bigger and bigger screen.

Seems like there’s an issue with the tire pressure.

Bro, have you ever jacked to a 5min milf video with the intention of rubbing yourself for an entire hour? If not, do you even realize how distracting it is to reach for a remote with your left hand? (I’m a righty) Telling my Xbox One kinect to go back and play next video allows me to keep the action going. Like I


Im a proud Apple user. Watch, phone, pad and TV. For the last year I’ve used Xbox One Kinect to watch Hulu, Netflix, Amazon. I still buy all movies thru iTunes which means i have to switch inputs to watch movies or purchased tv shows. This Apple TV update is a let down simply because of the remote. It needs to be

Plex? kthnxbai

Apple is killing it today. Inventing the tablet with laptop abilities and a highly sensitive stylus that can be used for drawing and writing with palm rejection just changed the game.

She bumped him.

I did it even when I used to have an auto. I just prefereed not having the car roll back those couple inches putting pressure onto the transmission lock.

For the collector’s significant other - it (should) get better. Two years is a very short time to be collecting, especially a property like Star Wars which has literally decades of possibilities. As such, saying something sooner rather than later is probably important.

My fella was a compulsive toy buyer. He could afford it and had no outside obligations.

Most Windows computers can do natural/reverse scroll now, can’t they? My friend’s 4-year old basic Dell laptop can do it, so I would imagine any laptop made in the past five years costing over $400 can do it too.