
What these guys were doing was collecting fat paychecks to give validity to this criminal organization. They should be sued for every dollar people lost. But I suspect the laws are totally written to protect them from such things.

Except that all the above applies to Macs as well, but hey whatever makes you feel better.

These are superb cars. I’m a dealer mechanic for Maserati and if I tell you these are good cars, they’re good cars. Remember, when one only sees broken examples of a marque from day-to-day, their perspective tends to get somewhat jaded but seriously, we see VERY FEW problems on the GT. Sure, you’ll run into occasional

I had two of these and both soon ended up in the trash. The problem is that the rubber buttons are not well manufactured. They quickly developed tiny holes from pressing them, which of course, ruins the suction and renders the whole thing useless.

I had two of these and both soon ended up in the trash. The problem is that the rubber buttons are not well


Friends, progressives, decent human beings, lend me your ear. As much as we all collectively LOATHE the soon to be Dumpster-Fire-In-Chief, absolutely nothing can happen to him. NOTHING. If anything were to happen to him, he would be elevated to the point of sainthood by the masses and we would never see another day of

I hope Chuck Schumer is ready. He’s going to be the most powerful Democrat left in our government after the inauguration.

Actually, I said that. Not Matt. And I don’t give two shits about marginalizing or disenfranchising the fucking idiots who voted for Trump. Fuck them straight to hell and fuck their bullshit concerns. They were duped by a hatemonger into thinking that a country with 4.9% unemployment — the envy of the Western world,

The Prestige TV Show Hot Take Economy is extremely bad and dumb, but so is arguing that the way that we talk about and depict our world in fiction is irrelevant and not worth talking about in general. Granted that many people do it in a way that is stupid and wearying - that doesn’t invalidate the broader principle

Tony has no room to talk after all the slurs he’s directed at police officers.

There needs to be an embedded MP3 of the Star Spangled Banner before the text of these protest posts because all these posts are disrespectful without it.

I really like the S Pen and I really really like the size of the screen. I found the edge screen made the phone incredibly comfortable to use, especially for a big phone. I just realized the S Pen didn’t hold as much importance as I thought. I just want other manufacturers to catch up to Samsung in terms of camera

Sounds like someone trying to get something for free from Samsung. Just like the Honda gas pedal scammers back several years ago.

Well, let’s be honest. A lot of people also don’t know that Africa is a continent and not a country. There are a lot of stupid people out there. What he should have said is, “What a lot of my followers don’t know is that Lincoln was a Republican.”

He’s not utilizing his tripod to it’s because it can already shoot what he needs to without any modification... The center column can be removed and inverted to put the camera inside the center of the tripod and tilted to face downwards. Then he could place the tripod above what he wanted to photograph without the

Here’s my fixie story. It involves a rapid and unexpected increase in altitude, followed by a rapid and hard landing.

I believe the wealthy have collectively bargained on taxes for over 35 years. Very successfully, I might add.


The New Yorker was named after New York. By your metric it was named after a city in England.