
Spoken like someone with absolutely zero personal discipline or control over their own spending. 

Why do you keep promoting contests like this that are essentially advertisements for the sponsor? It’s not a lifehack to enter a contest, whether this one or the Amtrak one or any of the others.

I mean, it’s on a Thursday so I am just going to go to work like every other Thursday, go home like every other Thursday, walk my dog like every other Thursday, get a workout in like every other Thursday, fix some dinner like every other Thursday, and watch Netflix before getting some sleep like every other Thursday. 

Upcoming Article:  “I’m Beth Skwarecki, Health Editor at Lifehacker, and This Is How I Drink Water”

now I understand what the Russian meme was referencing earlier today.

I hate that the women in his life seem to be held more publicly accountable for his actions than he is. We either have articles asking women to answer for his crimes, or articles asking when CK and men like him are allowed to return to their “rightful” place in the spotlight. Why do women have to answer for the

(hawwwwt take) Lebron is just poison for any team he’s on

I still expect to see a sizable return, but reading the comment section of this article isn’t giving me the warm fuzzies about my tax return. I’d be stunned if I only broke even and even more stunned if I actually owed, but this tells me to expect less than I was counting on.

G.O.A.T. - Zlatan

Nothing wrong with getting rich. Especially self made people. But I hate the ones that, once they get there, they do everything to pull the ladder up behind them. Pay your fucking taxes, man. Your lucky to be in this country where they are relatively low. And where you can use your money to influence the law. And

I’m a girl, so all my life I have been told that my clothing sends messages to other people. If I wear a skirt that is a little too short or a shirt that shows a little too much cleavage, I am apparently communicating that I consent to being groped or worse.

On a very minor side note, they’ve ruined red baseball caps. I looked good in my red baseball cap; now it just sits there, wondering what it’s done wrong and why we never hang out anymore.

You really are the dumbest possible fuck. It’s not buried, it’s the second motherfucking sentence. You and all your Trump-humping brethren know goddamn well that protesting during the national anthem is about racial injustice. All you right wing fuckheads realize there’s no way to win that argument without turning it

I believe the technical name for this group is “Suckers

There’s a large chunk of the population that think they are one step away from being in that top 1% of the 1%, and god forbid they have to pay more taxes to be there.

....You don’t get how people can be a fan of an artist’s music ?

Who told you that this was about “stand your ground”?

It’s not even funny. And it’s not even that offensive... it’s just supremely stupid. The header of this article puts it well: The words are that of a cranky old man, just with the TONE of a joke, inciting the audience to laugh.

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Guys, guys. Please. They can both be completely detestable, it’s not an either/or.