
I got way too high on a brownie once. My high paranoia, for some reason, is always that “everyone will know that you’re high!” and I don’t want that for whatever dumb reason. I’m with friends or at a bar, why would it matter? Anyway, this time I was way too high I convinced myself that I shouldn’t even move or talk

1) ugh internet comments

Yes, it is that simple.

You realize you can block people on all these communication media, right? Somebody’s sending you unwanted texts? Block their number. Someone’s trying to friend you on Facebook? Block them. Sorry, but what you wrote reads a hell of a lot like an inconsiderate person justifying their behavior.

Yet again, another fucking video that doesn’t answer the fucking question in the headline.

And unicorns.....unicorns kill. Unicorn prohibition now!

I’m interested to know why you think it’s important that youth in America are not educated about this specific European genocide that happened almost 80 years ago? We don’t teach them about the Ukrainian & Kazakh genocides, the Cambodian genocide, or any of the other smaller genocides in the middle east and Africa.

Adamczyk sounds like she doesn’t understand minimalism, or if she does this article portrays it badly. Consciously buying fewer cheap clothes while extending their use is just as if not even more minimalist than buying fewer expensive clothes.


A family of candy asses.

How’s this better than putting the money into something like T-bills and then converting it to an annuity when you retire? What happens if things get rough and you have to stop making the contributions? What exactly are they providing you for the probably huge commissions they’re taking, that you can’t do yourself?

I don’t know if you’re new to this website or what, but “balanced perspective” and “Hamilton Nolan” are what we like to call mutually exclusive.

I think talking about salary can create and exacerbate inferiority and superiority complexes and feelings of resentment, particularly when you get to schisms between skilled and unskilled employees and seniority vs. critically needed skills/training. You have guys who have manned the typist desk since the ‘50's

I was with you until you revealed you were a man. We already know everything you said, why not go tell some men in a man’s space? You want a pat on the back for being “exhausted by the conversation,” or something?

It’s crazy to me when these dudes stick up for billionaires while they work 30 hours a week at an Amazon warehouse, like they have a chance of becoming a billionaire. Fox News tells these guys who to blame, instead of thinking for themselves.

I agree — 50-60 years ago a white dude could get a nice job straight out of high school as a school bus driver, factory worker, etc., have the wife stay at home and raise the kids, buy a nice house in a nice neighborhood on a single salary, and retire with a nice pension. Today’s blue collar white men grew up seeing

James Harden is the weirdest combination of “talented on a level I struggle to understand” and “so fucking painful to watch.” Because no matter how much I try, I just cannot bring myself to actually enjoy watching a guy hold the ball and jab step/pump fake for ten seconds then either jack up a shot or drive to the

I’m nowhere near mega-rich, but I’ve got an okay cushion so I don’t mind regularly picking up the tab for friends who might not be there yet. I do, however, start to feel resentful when they’re happy to go to town on my dime as a matter of course. I’m happy to pick up the tab at the place that serves diamond-crusted

James Harden and CP3 both drive me nuts with this crap. They are both phenomenally talented players who can do things most humans could never imagine and are intelligent enough to understand exactly what the best basketball play is. Instead they do this horseshit and bitch when they don’t get calls or when someone

Jesus Christ that was lame, he dunks over a guy that made a half-hearted effort and now it’s “ruthless and vicious”? Then again, these are the same idiots that get excited over “ankle-breaking” plays.