Judge Hershey

I am loving it, but for a completely different reason. The moment I saw this I was like “would they? WOULD THEY?” and YES!! Gamefaqs is already well on its way with people crying salty salty tears over Naughty Dog making Elly a lesbian. THEY DESTROYED THE GAME, they say. I AM GOING TO DELETE THE ORIGINAL GAME, they


Like just imagine describing today’s events to literally anyone five years ago. They would have you fucking committed. It sounds too insane to even be the stuff of dreams or psychedelics and yet here we are living it.

But lower taxes, AMIRITE!?

In truth, the story is much more profound than what’s been reported. All her life, Simona has collected Hummel figurines. You know what they are - they’re the creepy little ceramic figures that are sold at curio shops and other places. Anyway, about 9 months ago, someone broke into her Constanța, Romania home and

God, that picture. It looks like she’s thinking, “This fucking moron” and crying inside remembering what it was like when Obama was there.

I love how the only things people wanted from this conference was Doom 2, Starfield, and Elder Scrolls VI and all we essentially got were title screens for two of them and barely a teaser for the third.

My parents were both scout leaders, and believed that you had no right bringing anything on a camping trip you couldn’t carry in on your back. Yup, I’m with you on those basic meals. And in my youth they were usually cooked over a pit fire in one of these:

I’m a loyal subscriber to Bon Appetit. But I’ve come to accept that the magazine and others like it have a very different attitude towards camp food than I do.

Helmet to helmet contact.

Think about baseball, think about baseball, think about baseball, ...

I love baseball. Where else can you see two guys get to third base on the same play as a foul ball out.

I dunno, the way Gomez stayed down suggests two guys, one cup.

True but it’s the regular folks health that she also jeopardize with her cockamamie schemes.

Small people get fucked over every single day by assholes. Until we start to actually punitively do something to these grifters, and put them in jail for hurting regular people, nothing’s gonna change in that department.

What about the regular people she hurt?

At least she took a lot of dumb people’s money with her. Always nice to see terrible people lose money.

Trans-Syberian Orchestra