Judge Hershey

He should have came up with a better name for it. You know, something that would really sell.

He should just self-publish. It will sell tens of copies!

EVERY 15 year old thinks they are grown up, their parents are holding them back and they need to move out. One good thing about being lower middle class, my parents could just reply “How are you planning to pay for that?” 

After Half-Life 3.

So have there been any allegations that Clinton in any way pressured Lewinski? There’s a whole lot of implying it with the suggestion that this is a #MeToo issue, but it all has a very “when did you stop beating your wife” smell to it. Additionally, the thing he was charged with was lying under oath, so it’s easy to

Not gonna stop that with spike strips or a PIT maneuver. Police unions across the country are gonna demand access to TOW missiles now.

Europe’s far-right is a lot more nakedly fascist than the US version, which has spend years using Fox and similar propaganda outlets to mislead people and improve their image, and a US ambassador not only praising them but clearly suggesting he intends to support the far-right against the government he’s serving as

God I love his reaction to the punchline, it’s so human and real. I wish that we had more Cleavon Little.

Similar to Trump, nothing Musk says is believable.

The thing the NFL owners don’t seem to get (and maybe the most clear point of Trump’s whole life) is that he views everything as a zero sum game. One person wins and one loses.
Take the USFL as an example, his end goal was to screw nearly every other owner with him taking one of the only wins in gaining an NFL team.

Swedish Pubic Television

I am so sick of the constant equating patriotism to “honoring the military.” I’m quite patriotic and work in public service, yet I’m somewhere between ambivalent to sort of antagonistic about the whole military thing. This obsession with labeling military personnel as “fallen heroes” really stifles any critical

Find me this man I will buy him a beer anytime he wants or anything else he chooses to eat or drink. Fuck you Trump and your fake ass patriotism you five time draft dodging bum

This will always be the sickest burn available for this performative patriotism puke-fest.

I love my country. I’m still proud to be an American, because I still believe the America I love is in there somewhere, despite the fact that Papaya Pol Pot and his legion of Deplorables are currently enjoying a bit of time in

Not all heroes wear khakis, but this guy does.

Bet that guy knows all the words to God Bless America, too.

We’re fascist now.