Judge Hershey

That’s the big difference, you know what you did was wrong (as do I, when I almost put one into a tree at 90). Nothing about it was cool, excusable, or remotely understandable. All of it was wrong.

Really? This is how I interpreted her comment:

“I personally believe that U. S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don’t have opinions and, uh, I believe that our opinions, like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should—our opinions over here in the U. S. should

Where are all those “we were all young once” apologists? You know, the ones blaming the mother for legally crossing when a car approached her at 100mph. If you care, that’s half a football field PER SECOND.

Tell yourself whatever you want, you horrible old man.

They are afraid...and angry because they are afraid.

one thing to keep in mind - and it may be depressing to hear/think about because of the cultural “norms” that are forced upon us - not everyone will find someone AND THIS IS OK. Contrary to what Disney has sold us, there is not a prince out there just waiting to sweep us off our feet. It may be something you want to


My life has intersected with the lives of three picturesque cows: a mum, a dad, and a calf. They appeared from nowhere, in a small, otherwise unremarkable pasture. They’re the majestic sort with the white heads like you see on corned beef tins. I hope they don’t wind up inside one. I’m certain these animals are posing

I think that making friends after college is hard, but the people you make friends with are ones that are worth it if that makes sense. I mean I met a woman at a bar who was nice and fun and we got along, and we went on a few “friend dates” but just didn’t really click and stopped hanging out. But I had friends in

Thank you! Honestly I regret the whole thesis process so hard right now my gpa is getting wrecked :-( but I hope it will fade in time. I am just currently pretending it doesn’t exist because I have one day uno to cram for another final

This thread is great and makes me feel much better about my path, lol.

Whatever you do, try to make sure she takes a gap year between finishing school and going to university/joining the workforce. I finished high school at 16 and made the mistake of going straight to law school without giving it much thought because I was awarded a scholarship. The experience was so soul destroying that

Well Daddy’s her meal ticket after all. Gotta keep him happy.

I don’t even have words anymore for these depraved bigots.

Now playing

If I’m going to cook it for half an hour anyway, would it be better just to cut some boneless, skinless dark meat into chunks? Or is the sauce saucy enough to keep the already-cooked chicken from drying out?

Paprika may be the greatest, most underrated spice ever discovered. It instantly improves any rice, soup or stew dish it’s added to.

You need a hug, buddy?

There are chocolate skittles? Oh dear god, no. NO!