Judge Hershey

H.R.C., eh? Every artist wants to sign their work. This is definitely a Soros-funded false flag operation to slander everyday God-loving Southern patriots.

LAPD Technology Lead.

As they say, democracy is the theory that the people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

Okay Ladyspin round up - I am A Lady and old enough to have non-IKEA furniture in a house I own. I wear skirts and dresses and makeup and I color-coordinate just about everything in my house I can (without getting crazy over-budget). But I have zero decorative pillows on my bed. In fact, all pillows in my entire house

Sorry but, Musk and Grimes together looks fucking stupid af. Them together at the Met Gala looks like an uncle taking his niece, who’s going through a rough patch as she enters puberty, out to a fancy red carpet event because Elon promised his sister he would do something nice for her after she loaned him money and

I’ll have another drink 🍷....

We’ve already arrived at the jokey part of this administration. “Oh, that Donald, what a scamp, running around with porn ladies!”

The dickweeds who fought tooth-and-nail to keep me from being able to legally marry my partner are the same Bible-thumpers who are now excusing Trump’s NUMEROUS philanderings as, “It

I am so sad that I had to be 32 before I realized that faking orgasms had literally ensured I had bad-to-boring sex with genuinely nice men.

Counterpoint: Don’t fuck someone like that.

Fuck anyone who won’t go down on their partner but expects their partner to go down on them.

Baby shower etiquette advice needed! I’m going to a baby shower with a registry but the toys that this shop sells aren’t very interesting or unique. Is it okay to go off-registry? I’m thinking I’ll get her a practical item from the registry and a toy or blankie from elsewhere. Is that okay?

Half-watch 3 confirmed!

Firewatch 3 confirmed!

Holy shit Marlboro Miles. I took the “five miles” UPC off of every pack my buddy’s dad smoked until I could send in for the hat. My parents had to sign off on this, since you had to be 18, which I was not.

I’m sure this will just get chalked up to be everyone else’s fault but hers. Probably Bernie’s fault, I guess. Certainly not Hillary’s fault, I honestly can’t think of a single thing she’s ever done wrong in her life, it’s literally everyone else that’s ever failed.

Yeah, but Hillary had an email server that was not very secure. CHECKMATE, libturds.

For me, Lauer is the least surprising one considering NBC brass spent years insisting he was the star that The Today Show would collapse without, even though there was enough evidence at the time he was dragging the show down. He got treated like such a special snowflake when, at best, all he could offer was

On that note... I was thinking the other day, what really went down in that airplane with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and their kids? Like he must’ve done something super fucked up for them to abruptly end their marriage and break up their huge family. I only say abrupt because they had gotten married fairly recent,

Now playing

Sooo. No Nazis in Argentina. What else have you lied to me about, Simpsons?