Judge Hershey

It’s very simple. The twenty-three Instagram garages filled with Rolls-Royces, owned by Assad al-Trump—or maybe it was Bashar J. Donald (I forget)—are being demolished on, literally. I mean ‘pataphorically.

So that’s what it looks like when Posh has fun.

Thats what She said.... :) Andy Capp Hot Fries???..Oh Believe it Friend.

Everything wrong with vehicle shows.

living in seattle you bet your ass i get mine every year.

NOPE. Looking at you Red Robin, even trying to lure me with all u can eat.yuk

Can I eat lunch with you?

Unless they vote for Trump. Again.

Hey she got a big paycheck for that and looked like she was having a Hella good time.

Nobody in the goddamned room will challenge anything they say because they don’t want to be sent to their rooms like a pouty teenager.

Great job, CNN, just allowing her bald-faced lie to go unchallenged in your goddamn census tweet.

Mom, Dad, I accidentally scratched the car during the driving test.

My apologies.


If you think Orcas are bad, best not read up on dolphins...

Christ. Orcas are...kind of terrible.

A foreign power hacked America? Time to congratulate their leader.

When he speaks, David Brooks sounds an awful lot like James Woods. Coincidence?