Judge Hershey

Or, she could have had an assistant write that tweet. <adjusts tinfoil hat>

Here’s a look at Bolton advising the president on what to do with Iran.

They updated her operating system with the latest adaptive learning algorithms.

Nope, we get the worst Bolton.

Wow, fuck Cate Blanchett entirely. I hate that I’m not even surprised at the hypocrisy of White Feminists™ anymore.

Re: John Bolton.

I was sure it was sorting out: he starred a comment of mine yesterday. Fuck.

Uh-oh! McMaster is out, Bolton in as Nat’l Security Advisor. This is bad. This is we’re going to war bad.

Now playing

It’s special furniture. It breaks into exactly three blunt pieces on impact.

He’s just sacked McMaster via twitter.

Now playing

For anyone that doesn’t know how these gear shifters work, here’s a short video explaining it.

Bowfinger is Eddie Murphy’s last funny movie. And Steve Martin’s 

Congratulations, you are part of the group whose time in the spotlight is just about over and can start to shit all over the up and coming Gen-Z’ers.

The guys who initially coined the term “millennial” in a book about generations, used it to refer to the generation starting with those who graduated high school in 2000, so 1982 was the original starting birth year(which sounds silly, but that’s where it comes from).

How am I the same generation as kids who’ve never even had to use a VCR, much less program one’s timer to record a ballgame?

The term was coined in ‘87.

The EU has just announced that if the US imposes tariffs on imports of steel and aluminium, there will be retaliatory tariffs on Harley-Davidson (Wisconsin - bye bye! Scott Walker), bourbon (seeya GOP) and US-made jeans.

Generation Y and Millennials are the same thing, ya dingus.

Yeah born 78 here. Which puts me in they inbetween generation time.

I was also born around that time and the world I remember growing up in is so radically different from someone born in, say, 92, let alone 2000. Trying to draw similarities across those lines seems like a waste of time. The fall of the Soviet Union, the rise of omnipresent Internet and the 9/11 attacks are such