Judge Hershey

Half the people in my office got sick. My co-worker’s husband was hospitalized when his flu turned into pneumonia and he had strep throat. The infection got so bad that it eventually sent him to the ICU. I got the flu and thought I was going to die I was so sick. I usually get a flu shot but this year I forgot and by

The day she published the phrase “save scum your babies” regarding The Sims will forever be a Kotaku highlight for me.

I don’t, she married for the money and even if she gets divorced money she will get, so I say it worked for her.

My backlog is warning me away from this game.
“DooooOOon’t, dude...beat some other stuff fiiiiIIIiiirst!”
(my backlog sounds like a ghost)

I think she looks better now and sometimes she wears nice clothes, other than that I can’t feel a lot of compassion for her.

Ok, can do!

No, she was ugly, also why is she mad while naked?

The latest Split Screen episode had a plug for Fave This and I feel like a fool for not having subscribed earlier.

Considering the unemployment rates, you gotta grab any job you can. I feel bad for them.

Honestly, my biggest shock here is that someone who isn’t a white straight christian man could ever bring themselves to work for Infowars, given what they deem suitable to broadcast is bad enough already, nevermind what they say when and do when they’re not being recorded.


2 shots vodka
1/2 shot rum
1 handful bitters
1 tsp vinegar
1 shot vermouth
1 shot gin
1 tbsp brandy
lemon peel
orange peel
1 shot scotch

I prefer the other remake…

unless you think journalists should not attend dinner parties with people they might cover (which is insane).

Came here for “Airplane!” reference, left satisfied.

I love vague qualifiers like “pretty much everybody” in a technical report. It’s like getting a status report from the young field engineer on problems. Office, “how did it go today?” Field, “it’s all fucked up.” Office, “could you be more specific.”