Judge Hershey

Seriously, we have to

Obligatory —>

At this point there is not much difference.

semi-ot but anybody remember that preacher of some mega-church. It was a recent hurricane and he was basically forced to open his doors to people fleeing the storm.

done! Also Ms shoemaker must realize that her success as a writer is dependent on a bunch of us schmucks just ashing about whatever she posts.

See, you’re no fun, you’ve already got the book o’ law open and flopped over your lap where a hot dog should be.

Pig vomit really has his chops together.

starred for “carmelized” as I’m not totally nuts.

“The only thing you can assume about a broken-down old woman is that she’s a survivor.”

We won’t have to prepare them as they’ll be made ready in Hell!

For the record it is also difficult to sleep when you’re lying in your bunkmate’s heat/stink.

Oh come on! I set my tv to the arts channel with a 40 minute sleep timer. Typically I’m out well before it turns off but those nights I’m not actually make it worse.

The Army Way is what somebody else posted -- You’re just so fucking tired you collapse and sleep where you land. The latter half of that is the Air Force Motto.

Yes, yes, we here will surely encourage their use and then act strange when you get an ear infection!

I can remember being so happy when they added the colonial forces with rifles. Finally I can liberate lego-town from their happy day-to-day lives and then we force them to vote the right way!~

Both of my folks love to regale me of their trials (more my father than mom) about what they had to eat as kids. Mom was better off but poor dad and his two brothers and various hangers-on had to make do with scraps like you’d feed a hungry dog!

It’s going to be hard on all of us...

Nineteen years ago I might agree, these days you’re just telling my GoT is leaving which everybody knew anyway.

Seriously, “There is a <young> <woman> at the door.”

Your hen has fair greater character.