Sessions is a demmycrat as only demmycrats can be racist because “insane garbage” so it’s normal for Trump to hate Sessions because Trump says he’s a “insane garbage” suck it lib!!1
Sessions is a demmycrat as only demmycrats can be racist because “insane garbage” so it’s normal for Trump to hate Sessions because Trump says he’s a “insane garbage” suck it lib!!1
This was the stuff you’d try had just to chew it.
It’s just shit pizza.
Yup, the complete and total attempt at sweeping this shit under the rug so some assholes can make some money is just goddamn exhausting.
How can one like Ted Cruz? Seriously! he’s an odious, sweaty, smarmy bastard. I feel sorry for his two daughters and am glad that they look like their mother or they wouldn’t get on the ballot, or something.
So you’ve got “The new RFK” VS. “The guy whose father might/not have had a hand in killing RFK’s brother.”
I’d take issue with that. Ivanka making her statement that ‘the country is united in mourning for Senator McCain.’
TBF If Michelle Obama was gardening in high heels it would a greater scandal than the tan suit!
clear conscience
I was taught imagine yourself walking up a staircase for ever, and ever, and ever.
Somebody call the Pope!!
Katie you’re so tiny! Seriously tho don’t take that crap!
And Cock.
Money ≠ Brains
Perhaps we can create some bullet-resistant controllers and yeah that’s how insane this country has become.
My only turn-off for Deus Ex: MD is that they did the same damn thing with taking a few missions out and making them dlc. At the very least CDPR have made it clear that it’s all in at start and any additions will integrate instead that other bs.
What are you talking about? If they’re in automated cars then they’re helpless and can only shake their tiny ham-fist at you as you blast by them at a health 27 mph.
I can remember when I was a kid and my father would joke about “california stops.” These days? tish-pshaw, there’s a reason yield signs have been replaced by stop signs because look-the-fuck-out!!
Judicial robes and a lace collar; nobody will ever question you.
That looks like fruitcake.