Judge Hershey

“So if both my server and myself forget the beer I ordered does that equal the amount of two trains meeting in albuquerque at 5:45 a.m.?”

Good God in fuck -> There is no way he’s running or going; it’s just press.

Not to be too cynical but he’s ‘Uncle Joe!’

“When do I get in the tub w/grapes?”

I had a spider on my ceiling yesterday. He planted himself right above the doors to the bathroom and my room. Didn’t move at all, even when I kicked on the AC. All day long I guess he was just sleeping. So I went to bed and the next morning he was gone. That still creeps me out but hey, I don’t see any other bugs

Dear Maria,

Why ya’ll gotta hate on Carly Fiorina? I mean she just (nearly) drove HP into the ground and they’re only now recovering. Hell, my folks just bought an HP laptop from Costco and damn if that thing is pretty damn well put together; it’s a miracle! HP can still do things!

Five times in eight years! Give ‘em a chance!

Ah yes, the rest of the country is sweltering but here in the PNW we have weeks of clouds and rain and seventy degrees! Pants are just coming back!

 Way back, like ten years ago, a friend would come by after work. One of us would have a bottle and we’d watch something or other, like “Rescue Me.” He’d already be somewhat drunk and would just pass out on the couch. I would leave and steal up to the 7-11 to buy smokes.

I’ve only played zero thus far but didn’t you put out a list of which ones to play and skip?

Eh, I’m glad global warming will kill us all, this kind of shit has got to be reigned in dagnabbiT!

And Buckwheat was our man in Beverly Hills Cop III.

 Ha! you should see my big toenail after losing it traumatically. Remember that scene in ‘No Country for Old Men’ when whatshisname had to pick bits of cloth out of his wound? Yeah, imagine picking bits of gravel and grass out of the bloody part of your under-toe, while still drunk. It’s a miracle I still have a foot.

The original Mission Impossible movie is still up there with the great action movies. But that was more of a team effort than just Cruise tempting fate. I’m surprised it wasn’t him that dove out of that airplane at 25,000 feet without a parachute.


Feed him to the corgis.”

There was an article in the paper yesterday about goddamn “Proud Boys” and hwo their tactics *might* not engender a positive response throughout the community.

Eh, Karl Urban does a good job but it just doesn’t have that insane whimsy..