Judge Hershey

Beautiful but you should really hear Vince —

Well it’s certainly a big dodge that he didn’t wind up in the new Star Wars and such...

You are totally right but I must quickly add the advice they proffered was something like “can’t you stick a #2 pencil up there and break it off?”

The abject terror that some brown and black bodies can inspire in some folk, salt-’o-the-earth types is just astounding.

Asia Argento was probably the best thing that ever happened to him and this eww-sur-pation “HA!” of her values versus some doughy white christian asshat is just. Fuck it *glug*

Laughing all the way to the bank.

Oh Stahp, some of my fondest memories were of my Dad and me having our own little fireworks show on the driveway. My mother is scared of big blasts and noises but dad and I would light those mu-fukas off for hours!

How long until they crumble?

If they wind up crumbling into some form of blue cheese your work here is finished.

Ahh, you don’t remember those cute little tanks —

Well I was going to have breakfast but this will sustain me until sometime around noon when I start to nod off. Pity anyone in the car with me.

True, but none of them will ever pay the price for their crimes.

Though I would agree with you it still resulted in many people suffering due to their just being fucking greedy assholes.

Great legal podcast (that’s what we do in our time off) but the Elizabeth Holmes impersonation is spot-on.

Skipping as much of the (surely) lovely write-up as I can I have yet to watch anything other than the first episode.

You need some tinfoil, some trout, some alder leaves and twelve hours.

Angela Merkel is gathering her Panzers as we speak!

A) I wasn’t going to comment

Because they’d come back with this —>

Now playing

I have fond memories of just plugging asswipes (wink) with my MP5 in Rainbow Six Vegas. In all that time I rarely heard any racial epithets. It wasn’t racial so much as sexual, and, well, ya know...