Judge Hershey

Depends, if you’re a woman you can send your man-servant out for burgers or something and tell him you’ll cut him in on the beef.

She’s a tough one. A friend of mine brought a friend of hers to my place. Said friend of a friend asked if she could leave her baby in my bedroom.

Thanks, I had no idea. My uncle was navy but he served on a tin can.

That’s just beautiful.

I’m not reading anything. It has to be one or the other; so which is it?

Jesus fuck and I though I’d been drinking heavily...

John Roberts just calls balls and strikes!

Yeah, he doesn’t have to justify it.

Sentence one of them to a season on a crab boat.

Stop ragging on Hopper! *sob*

Sure, that’s not much of a stretch but I can remember when she was Paris’ assistant and then, well, butt implants.

I’m probably misremembering but wasn’t there some moment where he gets up early to cook breakfast for his wife. He’s just muttering to himself the whole time as he gets stuff from the fridge?

Wasn’t a sizeable chunk about submarines and ASW and such? Didn’t the Soviets and their Shkval torpedo prove to be a failure?

I had a friend that wouldn’t wear seatbelts until he got hit in an accident and it nearly collapsed his ribcage against the steering wheel.

Awesome read! It’s like the reason that (somebody probably already mentioned) many cold-war era planes have their bellies painted white as an anti-nuke/radiation defense.

What a prick.

Can anyone remember futuristic mini toy soldiers? — one side was white and olive, the other was red and black.? They were maybe half the size of the old-school green toy soldiers say 1/8th and inch?