Judge Hershey

In MFSX the autopilot can land the damn plane. I couldn’t belive and where’s the fun in that?

Some real irony is that at least one of her ancestors (probably) owes their life to Lenin.

forgot the can opener.

It’s French tobacco.

You’re psychic. I was just thinking about this earlier: “remember when you’d see the news briefs and think ‘holy crap, I don’t want to live in that world.’ Well I’d trade a lot to live in that world now compared to this madness!”

Just drown it in Tabasco sauce...who cares if it’s waffles? Live a little!

Attorney General Rudy Giuliani.

Just wait ‘till Russia takes them back. Besides, if you’re drimking at home who wears pants?

Yeah, the people that say “why are you so angry?” or “what’s the big deal?”

Isn’t the irony here that Paul was probably gay? I can’t cite the evidence from memory but rationalwiki has loads of material.

Finding Dory was cute but overstayed it’s welcome by about twenty minutes.

There’s gonna be a new Top Gun movie? Are you kidding me?

He can always go back to Wild and Crazy Kids and...oh wait...nooo.

Nope, but between hot Wonton soup and plenty of tea (not to mention hot peppers in the kung pao chicken) you’re gonna start sweating just a bit!

Dont forget John Candy and Pamela Anderson!

I was always under the impression that you’re only ever one game above or below .500.

A: Anybody that drives a Jeep Cherokee is an asshole. Period.

1992 is achy breaky heart and that’s where I check out!

Fair enough.

This is the diplomatic way to describe Israel sucking him off like a circus seal.