Judge Hershey

Anthony Perkins’ best role was in “The Black Hole.”

Yeah, it’s not like he can just have amazon deliver everything to him and “hey mom, can you like pay my bill? Oh and the Lambo really sucks up the fuel!”

I probably said it someplace else but -> o.b. g y n

Can you imagine being some asshole that portrays Trump as a Superman when he’s just a fat, orange seventy-something?

As a thirty-something, twenty-somethings are idiots.

Or women in various states of undress...

Good Lord, I don’t even wear that much body armor. If you’re going up against some psycho with a long rifle it’s not gonna stop shit these days; plus it’s hot and unwieldy.

The latest statistic (that somebody else probably mentioned) is that Trump is appointing 1 in 8 federal judges. That doesn’t sound like much but the damage is going to be extensive.

Yup, first thing that came to mind.

I gotta say I don’t miss plastic bags.

I prefer “twage” because it takes people a moment to realize what I’m talking about.

That is a man that knows his shit (an hour? I wasn’t going to sleep anyway) and does not give a fuck. I’m amazed he doesn’t have a beer in his hand!

I can remember being fifteen as well as all my friends and classmates. There were always a few kids similar to this. Now add extreme wealth and there you have your douchecanoe singularity.

That must be exhausting!

I mean his Dad pretty much bought him a movie. A complete shit movie but still!

It’s actually a big problem. Most of the ~15-30 kids from parents of some means are stunted because, well, that’s the economy. It really matters in which state you reside (not just denial, Hah!) and the prospects for the kids. Low unemployment still doesn’t mean they’ll be able to make it or afford their own place.

Hell, I moved out one week after I graduated high school (class of ‘00).

So where does Lindsay Lohan come in?

Sounds like a challenge to me *cracks knuckles* oww!