Judge Hershey

“Chief Knowledge Officer?” The very idea that such a thing exists is just another nail in the palm of jackholes that feel gay/trans people were not only too good at MOBAs but now some exercise program masquerading as masturbation; “masquerbation” if you will.

My father would regale us kids with tales of being way out there in the back country (Marysville), catching trout and then packing them in alder leaves and then burying them in coals to cook overnight.

“Flatter” is one word for it.

At least she has her posterior turned towards because that’s what really matters.

Don’t forget the ketchup!

Wasn’t there some Hans Christian Andersen moral tale there?

Ooh an american flag prayer/yoga mat! Now there’s an idea! that probably didn’t work out as well as you’d hope...

“bummed-out Becky” *giggling like an idiot*

There are more of them than you realize it’s just there aren’t enough of them to go around.

o.b. g y n

But enough about Queen Elizabeth II...

Ho-lee-shit. That’s real, that’s not a joke. You guys aren’t joking? This moron thinks the Canadians...burned down the...well fuck, back to drinking.

Yup, they’re far too cowardly to actually fix things. Still better than voting for grifters like Wilmer and Stein though.

Welp that’s it; about to be out of a job. I mean it doesn’t take much programming to knightstick the colored folk...

She’s make a mean Ciri!

I ahven’t bought a game on Steam in nearly two years. Two years.