Judge Hershey

Eh, everybody’s really really angry and their blood is up. give it a few hours and we can come back to it.

Oh come on, you don’t think he took her aside and said “I’m sorry?” Oh and you have something on your chin?

That pic of Luke with Rose...I aven’t seen the movie yet but what in the hell is wrong with the-you know, I know, nevermind.

My hate is reserved for Millenarians (this is totally the wrong thread, right?)

Well it was a time limited thing.

I don’t hate Jews, I don’t hate Palestinians, I don’t hate (decent) Christians. I hate and despise you disgusting fucks that want to use Jewish people for your own ends. “Oh once the jews do this or that then they’ll all be blah blah and we can ascend to heaven.” Sick Fucks like Betsy McGaugh-whatever the fucker her

Even better! I totally understand why you assholes don’t eat pork! It would be cannibalism! You obviously can’t eat the flesh of your own kind. To do so otherwise just might lift your curse but no, better to sacrifice young ones in your pursuit of, what, purity?

Even BetTer (I use random caps like your gOd) you’re one of the pscyopathic Xtians and thus you must go over there and kill all the Jeewws or you’re just some lazy asshole waiting for other pscyopathic God-bothers to go over there and kill all the jews for you?

Yeah you’re full of shit. The irony being the Israelis will happily commit genocide so there are no more victims to gun down! Isn’t that great! I’m sure swine like you can get behind that and say “well, since they gassed the lot of them there’s no more problem! Fait accompli! A-hyuk!

If you’re talking about Eddie Murphy that’s not fair, now you should totally check pending!

‘America is an empire now, we do things and poop falls in your eye.’ It’s why the canned ham wore glasses and like we totally didn’t doom anybody under thirty!

He wasn’t even that good of a pitcher without the steroids!

Exhibit A): Führer und Reichskanzler, friend to children, destroyer of people that, like, totally don’t like stuff and shit. Your Avatar of Divinity, some jerk with weird facial hair!

You should go, courage in the face of the enemy is a bit of a theme..

You hear that creaking sound? that’s the sound of my arteries hardening as we speak!

Ignoring my stupidity, the lunch staff were very happy to serve us kids as they didn’t have to clean up after us and made a decent wage. All because they couldn’t find some guy buried at the fifty yard line!

Are you effing kidding me? I can remember we’d get like a twenty minute break around 10:30 or so and go down to the commissary and get pretzels and melted plastic cheese.

I like the way you think!