Judge Hershey

I was informed that “The Root” was ‘black brietbart’ you imply some asshat lied to me?!

Prime time for alliteration: hit Hitler in the head with a hammer and you’d have half a (that’s all I got). Hit me in the head with a a hammer and I won’t insist that the eight army invests in Stalingrad!! Wait, where are we?

Jesus Fucking Christ. The irony would be the Trump would only know one of those three words..

Easy Solution -> Move all the Jewish people (that want to go) to Germany. This is of course assuming we’re living in 1947.

Who cares? blame the Brits! and then blame the IDF for their garbage discipline in shooting nurses and then blame us for basically doing the same thing! Fuck, I could have joined up but the helmet wouldn’t work in the desert consarn it!!

nm, I’m full of shit.

It’s not even really worth fighting. You can’t get through to them. A young woman gunned down by some young soldier, it’s not new except for the method.

Now playing

You already know it but I have to do it —

I have six cousins, all Marines (oorah) <- I had to say it or they’d beat me!! All of them, from my age to nearly sixty, are the sweetest guys and I would gucking bash them if they ever did something so callous as to *checks notes* It was the Army? We still have that? HAH!

I know, after a six month abstention from pot I couldn’t get my dealer on the phone? Outrage!

Oh good, a brief interruption in the constant stream of telemarketing swine.

It’s lazy and you know it! Put them both in seersucker leisure suits!

Now frill that shit! Toss it into a blender and then refit them! I wanna see the both of them looking like some kinda (I don’t even know the word) Custer-Muthafuckas!

Oh come on! You’re in a movie I might actually pay to see you’re gonna wear whatever you toss into a jet engine and comes out the other side!

Considering the movie is probably going to have all of them wearing lululemon this is the best they can hope for.

So I should stop crushing these grapes by hand? Shit.

How many were about moving boxes?

It reminds me of my Grandmas seasonal/Xmas bits where it just a spattering of tchotchkes mixed with lights!