Judge Hershey

Being shot is an honorable death. That’s why Keitel and Jodl were so aghast at being hanged like common criminals. That’s what you do with Nazis. You hang them. I’m sure you can find some common ground there.

They put three rounds in her. A nurse. A well-known nurse dressed in white.

I’m probably being uncharitable but being emancipated, from a rich family, at 15... Well like I said, it didn’t work out so well for Macaulay Culkin.

That’s a bit of a judgement call and I can’t decide because I stopped drinking.

That’s good enough for me!

Typically we’d just take care of our own and you’d never hear from them again. These days, well, things have changed a bit.

How does she not get vertigo sitting there?

According to statistics the Fourth Reich happened fifteen years ago and lasted for eleven days.

I will stop drinking (one minute ago) if anyone can name anything WORTHWHILE Sara Paulson has been in since Deadwood!

Yes it does, the correct answer is Emily Blunt!

Sandra Bullock would have done fine if it wasn’t for that nose job...

Jesus Fuck, this is why, when I finally get a new comp next month (after fifteen years) I’m back-building for all my unfinished games plus Warframe and Path of Exile.

Haven’t seen it yet but a bad guy that might be good and then go back to bad or something? Really? Really?

Donatello Libel!!

“Kids” really gets me. That was one I remember (young Rosario!) and stuck with me for a long, long time.

Whomever made that bit should get some kind of prize!


Somewhat related -> I remember having read “The Giver” as a kid and imagining just marching through the town with “the troops” and liberating the town and all those stupid kid fantasies.

at least Will Smith had Aunt Viv to anchor him to reality. I can’t forget that bit when Uncle Phil was perusing some antiquated book about ->