Judge Hershey

As much fun as it might be to see men wearing the exact same costumes, well, nobody really wants to see that.

Horse puckey! You want a movie that’s building a world close to our own well then you want *checks notes* “Split Second.”

Yeah well try wearing this fucking helmet! It is heavy, poor sight-lines and not fun and you could achieve the same effect with sunglasses but noooo, “wear the helmet!”

You mean it won’t be complete garbage right out of the gate?

Wait, that’s JLH in the header? Ho-lee-shit!

When do we get Stranger Things Season Three?

sure but she’s way too small to wear the helmet.

I am a Free American. I will Stand and Randomly capitalize words as I see fit, as a fRee amErican. if i do nOt wisH to staNd for the natIonaL antHem then thEre is not one sCumbAg that’s gOing to telL me DiffErent!

I can remember being at a Seahawks game when they flew a couple Blackhawks through the fucking stadium with the troops waving at the crowd. That was fun. It was just at the cusp of realizing that we probably shouldn’t be doing this shit.

I had a friend that would pop ten to fifteen pills a day. Every day. But he was white and could get them whenever he wished. That was maybe five years ago. He had three kids, all under the age of twelve.

Then you get, as somebody has already mentioned, the old “well if you give me sexual favors I’ll try to get you free.”

Your use of the word “unctuous” is so perfect I just *wipes away tear* it’s beautiful! That and Howard Schultz can just fuck himself into cocked hat.

Now playing

My mother laughed so hard at that it took me ten years to get it!

I love you!

What if Robots had feelings?

Don’t worry dear, if it get’s that bad we’ll just continue with summary execu— did I say “continue” I meant “start!”

The real problem is that you have a bunch of incredibly attractive women in awesome outfits versus a bunch of dudes in various states of slovenliness.

Finding Dory was cute but it totally should have been 90 minutes not 120. I was like “Jesus, it’s twenty minutes too long, despite the ice cream!”