Judge Hershey

See, the real catch here is that we were on an old road without any nearby houses or anything. It was still stupid but we weren’t racing anyone and it was late at night.

I haven’t even seen this movie or the next one. Wot’s the big deal, yo?

It’s all fun and games until it’s you or your kid, right? Oh well boys will be boys, right?

Now playing

Something you’ve probably already seen but damn if it doesn’t cheer me up!

It’s crooked! Both physically and metaphorically!!1!

You really, really need to find a new hobby. This “commenting on the INTERNETS” thing does not appear to being working in your favor.

Hey, I’m not that young!

JFC, What was Seattles bullshit about taxing sugar caffeinated drinks? If you add sugar first than blah-blah-blah?

I keep telling my father that there’s no point in buying a Tesla because, we’ll they’re shit cars and poorly-made.

My mother buys bundles of green leaf lettuce, green onions, loads of other greens and fobs some of them off on me. She also has loads of celery, carrots, hoom-us and other such bits. My Dad gets annoyed with here and is like “there’s hardly enough room for (our) beer and the limes!

I judge that you should either drink more or less and then work on your reading comprehension.

When I was that young myself and a friend took my folks’ beemer out near Duvall and I nearly killed the both of us. It was just dumb luck mixed with a dash of skill that we didn’t end up two hundred feet down a ravine.

Hang them both and send the kids to an orphanage.

Remember -> Don’t shoot them, hang them. Criminals are hanged.

Gina Gershon was at her peak in “Red Heat.”

I would have said that the Witcher woud just add tons of youths but Witchers are sterile. So we’re back to square one. They’re not assassins (save Letho). what role would they play?

Because most of them are idiots. Full Stop. Seriously, you’re mad at women because they don’t want to throw themselves at your dumb/broke/stupid/ass?

Good Lord, I thought that was some hideous neck tattoo but it’s even worse than that! Where the fuck do you get the stones to wear an earring like that?!

“Well if you were smart you woulda —.”