Judge Hershey

Oh, it’s suddenly midnight in the only timezone that matters (PST) Cheers!

My Mum is a big fan of:

Jesus Fuck, and I was just about to turn in for the evening.

to just head off the worst of the criticism “Rome” or rather Brutus was right —> “Plebs love to see their betters fight. It’s cheaper than theater and the blood is real.”

John Mccain only had a career because of his Father R.S. Mccain.

My parents actually found one of these bastards on one of their Goodwill/Value Village hunts.

The irony is that my mother will eat Mexican food with salsa and even Chinese with a bit of spice but when you say Paprika she just shut’s down. We have to make to differend sauces, one for her and one for my Dad and myself.

The secret is to find allllll of the coconut and just let nature takes its course.

Remember, contempt for your audience was why Sopranos did so well!

Well you’re that much closer to the grave which is more than I can say for the rest of us... <smiley face>

Just remember — according to these swine, both the Firefighter and the Arsonist share equal responsibility for whatver damage may occur.

This is neither hither not thither but I have five cousins that are current/former Marines (between twenty and fifty) and they will fucking snap-to when their mother calls.

There’s a reason there are no Dark Souls Mother’s Day cards.

My God, become a farmer and never read about any of this garbage ever again! Your life will improve! You’ll get satisfaction! You’ll meet new people and animals and then milk them! I envy you!

I am two weeks behind on Westworld.

Damn you Kinja, I had a good chunk or replies to others and now it just looks like I’m ranting at/to myself... What are you looking at?!

Yeah you’re way over-qualified for Walmart...sign here.