Judge Hershey

The next/one time I’m up for excessive use of force (he shouldna oughta run that light your honor!) I’ll be sure to call you!

Well now I’ll drink my lunch. Ah screw it I was gonna do so anyway!

Eff it —> Delete!

I sympathize. Leavenworth is a nice town if you’re going with your significant other and they have/had an awesome Italian res *checks notes* Visconti’s! But yeah, other than that is a boulevard of broken dreams.

Horse Puckey. If you think that’s bad you can just imagine the insane hysteria in Seattle about the homeless! Despite the fact that a majority are from King or Snohomish County.

I just bribe my mother with chocolate (no milk choco) and then cook for her which is, well, she taught me so...

You know my other bff was like that. He’s like the deputy administrator for a major regional hospital. We just grew apart. My father’s a retired machinist (3o years) and his bff at the time was a serious builder/carpenter. They just grew apart.

Looks like my ankle after last nights bout of hard-drinking.

Get one of those chocolate orange things, they always cheer me up! That and shooting schmucks that mouth off. Don’t tell the DOJ!

If it makes you feel any better I’ll arrest the next guy that says...well anything...

 Ok fine, essentially I was a caretaker for my grandparents. A few weeks on, a few weeks off. At the whim of my newly married Uncle. That was about fourteen years worth.

This really is no substitute for therapy or professional help (I mean of course!) but just the simple fact of knowing that you are not alone can be of great help.

Just to try and make a little joke you MUST be a young’un because “loosing” is all I see out you kids!

 You sound like a perfectly lovely person and while I can’t judge one way or the other the whole ‘not having found romance’ and the like isn’t something you should worry about.

Even if they haven’t actually left it really, really gets to you if you’re basically fighting this fight every day.

I am at once almost envious and also intimidated. If you had told us you owned a saloon in South Dakota I might’ve just believed you!

I turned 36 last month, It’s easy to remember —> A week after Hitler and a day after Alien Day! Yay!

That’s life isn’t it? Where did that decade and half go?