Judge Hershey

You’ll excuse me that most of this is shit. My God, I’m two episodes behind on Westworld!

Knock off $19,000 and you’ve got a deal!

I was going to make some gallows-humor joke but this is just horribly tragic and yet another (amongst countless) stain on supposed law-enforcement and their enablers.

You know what you get when you drain the swamp?

Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t she the one that said something like “if it happened before I was borne it doesn’t matter?”

Like in high school one of the teachers’ kids was named Agnes, in ~’98. Agnes.

Holy Shit when did Seth Bullock get so fucking OLD?!

Did someone say Mimosas?

That and stop using child-slave labor overseas but hey, who’s counting?

Looks like my friend when we found out he was allegeric to raw tomatoes.

Well, when they turn any other color but white then we’re encouraged to do something. Until that time it’ll just be going after innocent kids falling asleep in a dorm.

You are correct but it’s much, much easier to take away that wealth from non-whites.

Baloney! I still have the original bit with Fenton the bean counter on VHS!

Now tell me how you do that look with body armor.

The peace of not-having-a-goddamn-cell-phone-that-you’re-fucking-looking-at-eighteen-hours-a-fucking-day.

If Rhianna wanted to send me ~500 texts a day I might be okay with that.

She lies constantly, like her boss. Who is going to belive that she hasn’t lied more and — of fuck this I’m off to for some Manhattans.

nine bucks for a hot dog.

I just buy my mother a few bars of dark chocolate; if it was milk chocolate she’d disown me!

Just have to add that the original, theatrical version of Tombstone is far superior and lesson in why you don’t always want a “special edition.”