Judge Hershey

Yes, for Fortnite and their continuing ad campaign they should just start littering the streets with fake Dynamite!

Aww, don’t worry, you can leave it to us: the professionals that will just totally lose their shit on you because you didn’t bribe me!

Yes, thank you for recommending the Reuben, which is not on the menu, and then just totally sandbagging me when my mouth is full of bread/cheese/corned beef and/or pickle!

Oh, you should see my father’s collection of hash pipes.

Yeah, that isn’t funny.

one word -> Blow me.

She should be sent to the Supreme Court and just make Thomas crazy with her sanity and decency!!

Ok this —>

Not offering to do a free/discounted repaint because your shitty car paint sucks and flakes off within a year.

You’re all monsters!

“Look where you’re going jackhole or prepare to be judged!!”

I once stood behind some jackass that ordered four kobe beef BURGERS...

I know, it’s amazing! It’s like when you just get going on a three (six) martini lunch and get good and ready to judge some folks and well, shit; you’re back on your phone.

I wouldn’t worry, it’s going to be absolute shit in any case. I’ll just go back and pour another 300 hours into it.

The real problem is having six cousins, all of whom are Marines (Oorah) and, well Marines don’t fucking drop from a plane!

At that level I’m amazed it wasn’t a glass of white wine.

It was a Diamondback scouting for talent! Instead they just murdered the poor thing and now Jose Castillo will never see the inside of a real stadium!

You could have just called that phone number that states “mattress sets starting at $100.” It’s not like their covered in fluids or something...

Wow, that totally doesn’t look like a pipe bomb (not gonna search for correct usage of pipebomb)