Judge Hershey

I totally forgot what I was going to say. Incidentally this Japanese Whiskey is pretty dammn good! So, what weere we talkinga bout>

If ever there was somebody that should have come home on their shield it’s him.

Every year Trump is in office will take ten years to repair. Fun when you realize that Dems will get, at most, eight years before morons decide “Let’s put the weasels back in charge of the coop!”

I’ve seen the first new Star Wars (which was shit except for Daisy Ridley) but that’s it. I’m way too old and bitter to bother with the rest.

Somebody probably already mentioned it but I use for Ricearoni instead of butter.

Explain Cricket in three sentences or less. Go!

So, when can we expect Stormy’s entry to be added to the Library of Congress?

Wasn’t it that he just wouldn’t stop smokin the reefer and get dressed or something? Have you seen him look like a normal person?

That’s what I get for not scrolling down.

Credit to Howlongwillthisburnerlast and those goddamn leaf blowers, fuck.

Take them to lunch, buy them drinks, hear their side of the story and then leave them a noose and let them decide which one of them should be hanged.

Good for you for quitting smoking! I quit Jan 30, 2012. My mother had been bugging me to use the patch and I finally said “okay.”

That Crate bit scared the ever-loving shit out of me as a kid!

Not quite Sci-Fi but:

He doesn’t care about Trump. Twitler is just a useful idiot so he can get his agenda enacted.

He needs more and many, many bad ones.

I’ve got you all beat: Myself and a friend went to see that other crow movie with Edward Furlong.

Nothing yet from Kim Cattrall.

What was that bit about some journalist at Coachella that was groped 22 times?

To this day I thank the Lawd that there was never any such thing as the internet when I was a kid; we’d all be in prison.